Min Yoongi Doesn't Get Jealous Pt.2

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It has taken me forever to revise and FINISH THIS DANG CHAPTER!! I hope you like this chapter, it's been made through real late nights and many deletions. ;)



"We sat here and ate in silence, enjoying Jin's improvised meal. I finally had the answers I needed. I now knew what was wrong, and it was even better that I knew I had someone who had gone through it, too. I wasn't alone and I had someone to help guide me when I'm not able to control my jealousy. Hopefully, my progress will come quickly. I don't want to be like this forever.I don't want to lose my Jiminnie."


The living room has always been a very peaceful place. I can always rely on the our grey, soft, comfy, gigantic couch to give me the rest and relaxation I need. The L-shape lets me curl up into a ball and sleep like a kitten; Jimin's words, not mine. I've sat here many nights working on new songs and talking to the members about random things. Though, like every house, the peace is not always there.

I sat in the corner of the L-shaped couch with Jungkook many feet away from me. We both watched as Tae and Jimin rolled around and played on the floor. They wrestled, both trying to pin the other down but all they could do was get tangled in each other's limbs and laugh. Jimin slammed Tae on the floor making Jungkook jump where he sat, but he relaxed as soon as he heard Tae laugh and threaten Jimin's life.

I could feel Jungkook's stare drilling into my head. I turned to him where a smile was plastered on his mature face.

"What?" I asked. Jungkook smiled and motioned his head to the two adult men still acting like children.

"Seeing them like that... it drives you crazy, doesn't it?" I looked to Tae and Jimin playing and smiling, having a great time. Tae lightly shoved Jimin's shoulder earning a beautiful smile and a playful hit to the arm. Jimin and Tae were best friends, and this was something they did all the time. But as Jimin giggled at Tae's ridiculous actions, my heart started to constrict, my foot starting to bob up and down.

"Don't worry, hyung. It eats me up, too." I side glanced to Jungkook, a small glimpse of a smug smile directed at me reaching my eyes. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You've been with Jimin hyung for how many years now?" Jungkook asked. I smiled and stared down at my hand, mindlessly starting to play with my ring.

"Three... three years."

"You trust him?" I turned to Jungkook in confusion; what a stupid question.

"Of course I trust him." Jungkook's eyes turned serious, the smile still evident on his lips.

"Then you have nothing to worry about." I nodded. I had already been given advice from my hyung today; I didn't know I was going to get even more by the maknae.

As soon as we heard footsteps coming our way, our heads turned to the direction of the commotion. Our adrenaline filled boyfriends were making their way to the couch, still laughing and teasing each other. The second Tae's eyes met Jungkook's, his large, rectangular smile showed as quickly as it could. He plopped down next to Jungkook, crisscross and facing him. Jungkook raised his hand to brush away some of Tae's fringe from his eyes. Tae nuzzled into Jungkook's touch making Jungkook laugh. Tae smiled at his boyfriend's laughter and shifted as close to Jungkook as possible; their foreheads together and arms tangled to hold each other lovingly.

I felt the couch dip, a tired Jimin plopping down next to me. I turned to him, my face still a little blank. But that soon changed as I noticed his beautiful smile directed right at me.

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