Ecstasy Pt. 2

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This is the buildup to the SMUT ;D

The pic above is what they are wearing during the chapter so yeeeee *wiggles eyebrows suggestively* :D

It's hella fluff and softness and my hearteu can barely take it <3



"I didn't really care about the looks Taehyung was giving me as we walked across the street to the movie theater. I was allowed to be happy... it's what I deserved."

7:57 PM


I slowly paced across the clothing-free carpet floor holding a single Rose up to my nose hoping the flowery scent would somehow calm my nerves. My steps were light as I tried to avoid and not ruin the rose petals scattered across the floor. Everything was placed, it was all planned perfectly, and I had never been more terrified. My heart raced as the thought of rejection crossed my mind.

What if I was wrong? What if he doesn't want to get married? What if he hates me? What if he doesn't like it? What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore?

What if? What if? What if?

I tossed the Rose on the neatly-made bed and basically ripped off the heavy chain around my neck, throwing it somewhere hidden in the corner. I ran my large hands over my face and let out a deep sigh. I felt like falling over, throwing up, and passing out all at the same time. I didn't know how I was going to go through with this.

Though somehow I knew that when Jimin walked through that door, everything would be fine. I would be able to think, speak, and breathe again all at once. It was magic how much he influenced my emotions and my body as a whole. One minute I could be depressed, having no hope for living another day... then the next I would feel as light as a cloud, his smile and his touch the only thing bringing me back to reality.

I removed my hands from my face and sat down on the edge of the bed. I ran a hand through my hair and let it fall in my lap, my trembling fingers making me even more scared. I turned my head to the clock on the dresser; 8:02 PM. I let out a small sigh and tilted my neck left and right to let the joints pop and crack, easing some of the tension that had built up since Jungkook and I left the store.

I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of the loud and annoying alert I had set for Taehyung's text messages. I quickly fished it out of my pocket and unlocked my phone, opening the simple yet irritating message.

Taehyung: just dropped off your man. good luck *suggestive eyebrow wiggle* ;D

I rolled my eyes and typed back a simple "thanks" before standing up and wiping my hands on my thighs to get rid of some of the built up sweat. I picked up my rose and carefully walked over to the corner of the room, somewhere he wouldn't see when he first walked in. I looked at the extravagant scene I had set up and smiled. The roses seemed to be placed perfectly, the few lit candles adding the perfect amount of warmth. And the bed had an aura around it... almost inviting.

Jimin and I have had sex before; more than once. So it wasn't a scary thought to have. Truthfully, it wasn't a new idea that all of this might instigate such an activity. If he wanted to, that would be amazing. If he didn't, there was no part of me that would be sad. It was his choice, and I would never force him to do something like that.

As I heard Jimin's light footsteps come closer and closer to the door, I leaned against the wall and took in a deep breath.

"Here we go," I said to myself. With that, the door opened revealing the man that held my heart.

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