Bruised Pt. 4 FINAL

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Wow this is the longest oneshot yet! (I don't know if these are even oneshots anymore ;D but I'm still gonna keep writing!)

The last part!! Get ready ;)


This chapter is strictly nastiness, so all you innocent ARMYs out there may not want to read this chapter AT ALL. They will not do the dirty, but just... BRACE YOURSELVES.



"Jimin had gone through so much in the last twelve hours, and he was exhausted. His body was almost at a breaking point and he wanted something to relax him; he needed something to relax him. I leaned forward and nudged his nose with mine in understanding, knowing what he wanted; me."


I couldn't stand the thought of Hoseok any longer. I couldn't stand that evil stare still embedded in my brain. I couldn't bear having the memory of the night before showing up again and again every time I closed my eyes. I needed to find my way back to my old self. I needed to feel loved.

I needed Yoongi.

I closed my eyes as Yoongi leaned in close, his lips brushing past mine. I felt his warm breath against my skin, everything in the universe starting to go in slow motion. He pursed his lips only the slightest so they finally made contact with mine. Our lips moved together at a slow pace as he took his time, giving me a chance to savor every single, blissful second.

Yoongi licked my bottom lip, asking permission to go further. I accepted his request and parted my lips slightly, allowing his tongue to dance with mine. I unconsciously pressed down where my hand rested in between his legs making him let out a silent hum that vibrated against my lips.  I felt Yoongi's hands slip under my ass and swiftly move me over to the middle of the bed. I laid down on my back and looked up at him as he straddled my lap.

Yoongi took the hem of his hoodie and slowly stripped it from his body, leaving his bare torso out for display. His eyes never left mine as he tossed the jacket to the floor and ran his large hand through his hair. I took time to examine his beautiful body while I had the chance.

Yoongi's black sweatpants hung low on his hips, the black elastic of his boxers showing slightly. His stomach and chest had become beautifully toned over the past few months due to his intense determination to earn a few extra muscles. The difference between his broad Daegu shoulders and his small waist was rather large, his shoulders going out slightly farther than his hips. His collarbones and jaw were perfectly sculpted. And his eyes... his chocolate eyes warmed every part of my body as he stared down at me with lust and desire.

I, too, sat up, wanting nothing more than to feel his bare skin against mine. I ripped the hoodie from my body. I looked up at Yoongi with the same lustful gaze and grabbed him by his biceps to tug him back down on the bed with me. He gladly followed and morphed his body to fit perfectly into mine.

I closed my eyes when Yoongi started at my lips again with the same slow and gentle movements as before. I wrapped my arms under his to take a hold on his back, keeping him hostage again my chest. He felt like a heater as he laid on top of me melting into my skin to become one being.

Yoongi pulled away and let his lips brush against mine teasingly. He started leaving the softest of kisses on different parts of my mouth; bottom lip, corner, upper lip. It was agonizingly slow yet so invigorating. The softness of his plump lips grazing mine was almost unreal. He finally left one last tender kiss to the corner of my injured lip before trailing across my bruised cheek to my jaw.

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