Dark and Light Collide Pt. 3

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This is OMEGAVERSE we're talking about here, so the pregnancy "process" and HOW and WHEN they find out WILL NOT be the same as in real life.


MAJOR Fluff Warning
Prepare to UwU



"As Yoongi laid there holding his omega in his arms, it felt like something was different. Something had changed. On the outside, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But there was something deep inside Yoongi's gut that told him otherwise. It wasn't bad... it was good; new. New and important. Though after a while, he decided to push that thought away for now and focus on getting some much needed sleep.

Little did he know that his gut was right. Something did change. After months of trying... two years of marriage... love and loyalty and unmeasurable happiness... nature allowed it.

Jimin was pregnant."



The word "happy" didn't seem to be the right adjective to describe how I felt that morning. It was beyond happiness; elation, euphoria, bliss. Everything was warm and comfortable; soothing in every way. I felt taken cared for and loved, and that was all I could ever ask for.

I moved my gaze to the nightstand beside the bed to see the bright red numbers on the clock read 5:44 AM. The sun had barely started to come up over the horizon, but it wouldn't be able to even reach the house from the ominous storm clouds hovering in the sky. A heavy rain drizzled down through the thick forest, the two out facing glass walls letting me see the wind and water shake the trees mercilessly for miles and miles through the mountains.

Clothes were covering my bruised and scratched skin, the covers were pulled over me snugly, and Yoongi caged me against his firm front keeping me from even thinking about escaping. I felt the small hairs on the back of my neck raise as Yoongi's warm breath fanned across my skin, his arms wrapped around me tightly with no intention of letting go. I let out a small sigh of content and smiled, curling back even closer to meld myself further into my mate's bare chest. His grip adjusted on my small frame, nuzzling his face in my hair and resuming back to peacefulness.

I distinctly remembered going to bed around nine the previous night because I was so tired. I hadn't seen Yoongi in days and the distance was killing the both of us. I thought that maybe I would be able to sleep away the pain; sleep away the ache under my skin. But it didn't seem to work even the slightest. I put on his clothes, sprayed some of his cologne... I even used his shampoo in the shower hoping it would somehow feel like he was there with me, but my wolf knew better than to fall for that trick.

It wasn't the human side that was in agony from the distance; it was my wolf. Sure, my human side was extremely upset that my husband was spending more time away from me than before, but my wolf side was longing for its mate. That was what made it almost unbearable. There is a bond there that normal humans will never being to understand, and if they ever did know, they would still not get it.

They wouldn't understand just how intoxicating a mate smells to the other. They wouldn't grasp the concept of feeling drunk from someone's presence. They wouldn't know the feeling of finding the other half of yourself that makes breathing seem so much easier. They wouldn't mindlessly throw around the word "love" as if it was to be given freely and lazily. There was no love like the love of a mate, and if anyone thought otherwise, they were in for a rude awakening.

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