Ecstasy Pt. 4 FINAL

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This is the final part of Ecstasy and I'm a little sad :,(

Oh well... I hope you've liked this emotional rollercoaster 💜



"'I love you,' he slurred, those words the only thing Jimin was capable of saying. Yoongi closed his eyes and smiled tiredly.

'I love you,' he whispered. It was only a minute later that they were asleep, drowning in each other's love in their dreams."


I woke up in the middle of the bed with the sun shining bright on my face. My eyes peeled open to see Jimin's small frame missing from my arms. I rubbed my eyes and sat up seeing where the sheets had been pulled back. I felt the spot and it was still fairly warm, so he hadn't been gone for long. I pulled the covers off of me and swung my legs over the bed.

When my feet landed on the floor, I lifted them again, the clothes on the floor catching me by surprise. I shook my head in annoyance and bent down to pick up the stray clothes; I swore I cleaned the entire room the day before. I was about to toss them in the laundry basket until an invisible force put me at a halt.

I felt myself smile as the memories from the night before came flooding back. It was all still so vivid; the way Jimin glowed, the beautiful noises he made, how amazing he felt. I made love to my angel. My fiancé.

Jimin Jimin Jimin... my mind raced with the thought of him. I didn't care that I was hungry or that my mouth was as dry as a desert. I wanted my Jimin. Just to touch him, see him, feel him... something.

I walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs, following the trail I had created the night before. The petals had begun to wilt so I had no problem with stepping on them. When I reached the first floor, a sweet scent hit my senses.

I found Jimin in the kitchen carefully eyeing a batch of pancakes on the skillet and nibbling on a chocolate-covered strawberry from the open container on the counter. I put my hands in my pockets as I watched his toned body sway mindlessly to the beat of Love Shot by EXO, his hips moving on their own while his eyes stayed trained on the pancakes. His bubblegum pink hair was fluffed up and messy, the soft locks and puffy cheeks being the only innocent things about him after last night. He was still in my sweater, the fabric so loose it exposed a large majority of his left shoulder and fell past his boxers making him look only half dressed. His back was turned to me, his plump, delectable lips formed in an unintentional pout as he concentrated, trying his best not to ruin his homemade breakfast.

I couldn't stand the distance between us any longer. I wanted to have his thin body up against my broad one, the grooves and curves fitting perfectly in mine like a match of puzzle pieces. No... I needed it. I felt so much more clingy and attached to Jimin since the night before. I wanted to hug him and kiss him and keep him close even more than I used to. But I knew Jimin wouldn't mind that... not one bit.

I slowly walked closer until I finally reached the love of my life, trying to be silent as he continued to lightly move in time with the music. Miraculously, Jimin's lips tugged into a small smile as he turned his head, catching my gaze for only a few seconds before turning back to the food with flushed cheeks. I smiled smugly and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaving a lingering kiss to the nape of his neck before resting my chin on his bare shoulder.

"You're supposed to be asleep," Jimin scolded, his voice revealing that a smile was plastered on his lips. I closed my eyes and followed the movement of his body, loving the faint smell of lavender and rose embedded in his skin.

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