Watch Yourself, Kim Namjoon Pt. 2 FINAL

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This is part two to "Watch Yourself, Kim Namjoon" I hope you like the first part because I had fun writing it! I will admit, I cried like a baby, but that's the price I had to pay for writing a sad <3

This next part is real juicy so I hope you all like it ;)



"I now felt better about expressing my emotions. I'm not going to be an expert overnight. But I have someone who loves me who wants to teach me how. And I wouldn't have it any other way."


After a long trip to the grocery store with a hyper Jimin, I headed to my room to have a nice cup of tea to get me sleepy. I shed my normal everyday clothes and slipped on sweatpants and a sweater along with my fuzzy socks I got from Jungkook last Christmas. I tapped my fingers against the counter waiting for the water to boil. The switch clicked signaling that the water was hot enough, so I poured it over my herbal tea bag. I carefully picked up the mug, doing my best not to burn myself, as I do on many occasions, and slowly walked to the small balcony where the chilly autumn weather was waiting for me.

I sat crisscrossed in my cushioned chair that faced the far away city. I love listening to the nature around me, seeing just how beautiful the world really is. The night sky was full of stars that glistened in the darkness, the moon illuminating the space around me. I sighed deeply and smiled as I blew on my hot beverage, still too warm to drink.

Below me, I heard the glass door of Jimin and Yoongi's room slide open. Their voices were soft, but my hearing is impeccable.

"Can I join you?" Jimin asked. I didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversation, but of course I did anyway. I'm a curious mama Jin.

"How long have you been out here?" Jimin asked.

"I'm not sure," Yoongi replied. There was a small pause before Jimin continued.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"There's something wrong, Yoon. I can see it in your eyes. Plus..."

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice."

"I always notice." The small sound of a kiss to each other's lips could be heard from my seated position. I smiled at their cuteness.

"Jiminnie, I'm fine. Nothing's wrong."

"Yoongi... Yoongi you promised." Yoongi sighed and I could just envision his head shaking.

"You're not gonna like it."

"I'm listening." I knew that it was wrong to listen to their intimate conversation, but I felt like there was going to be some information mentioned that might be important. I held my tea in my lap and listened carefully.

Yoongi's argument with Namjoon sounded very serious. They've been friends for forever, so I was very confused as to why they were fighting now.  Yoongi sounded upset. But not like his usual tone for when he is not happy; no. This was more emotional; more concerning.

As Yoongi continued to explain everything, my heart broke every second. The things he has gone through, the thoughts that are constantly in his brain, how he feels unwanted and lost... how he constantly thinks about giving up; how has he survived this long without telling a single soul about it? I felt like a horrible brother knowing that this was going on and I had no clue.

When Yoongi started to get worked up or more upset, I could tell Jimin made a gesture to calm him down. Yoongi would immediately take a breathe and pause before getting back to his story. I could tell he was having a hard time trying to explain, but I knew Jimin was teaching him how to, and he has gotten much better. Near the end of his heart-to-heart with Jimin, my ears became even more alert to his words.

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