Worth It

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This is PURE fluff ;)

You'll uwu until it hurts ;D

This one's pretty short so I apologize for the people who love the long ones. I was gonna make this one long, but this scene was all I could think about and I just love it sooooo much ;)



I shivered as I peeled my tired eyes open at the distant sound of thunder. A bright, white light streamed through the wide skylight and illuminated the large bedroom, casting shadows over furniture and pictures hanging on the walls. The colored lights that rimmed the ceiling were still on but very dim. I blinked a few times and turned my head to the side to see the man I love laying next to me, sound asleep.

Yoongi laid on his stomach with his arms crossed under his pillow. Half of his face was buried in the fabric, the other relaxed and soft. His mouth was formed in a pout as the smallest of snores left his beautiful, pink lips. The sheets on the bed only came up to his waist, covering half of his naked body. I smiled seeing the faint, red streaks going down his back from where my nails had dug in to his skin earlier in the night.

My whole body flushed at the thought of that nights events. His hands roaming my body, his lips marking my skin, his voice whispering in my ear, becoming one with my lover... it seemed like a dream. The way he cherished my body and loved it for what is was seemed too good to be true. But I knew it was real. The euphoric memories were too vivid to be fake.

When I shivered again, I slowly sat up, wincing from the pain in my lower body. I carefully pulled back the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed, reluctantly facing the freezing air and doing my best not to wake up the sleeping angel. I slipped on my boxers that were lazily strewn across the floor and stood up. I tiptoed over to our closet and pulled out one of Yoongi's large sweaters that swallowed my small frame. I got frustrated trying to keep it on properly, so I gave up, letting it hang off one of my shoulders and come down past my hips.

I sneaked back over to the bed and crawled in, returning to my previous position on my back. I pulled the sheets up to just below my chest and looked out the window with one hand on my stomach and the other tangled in my bubblegum pink hair. I watched the lightning streak through the storm clouds, creating magnificent art in the sky.

I wished Yoongi could watch it with me. He has always loved to watch storms form. The rain pouring down and the thunder rumbling the house always puts him in a good mood. For him, it's calming and peaceful; serene.

When I heard rustling beside me, I figured Yoongi was just moving around in his sleep since he tends to do it from time to time. But when I felt his hand touch my shoulder and run down my arm, I couldn't help but smile.

"What are you doing up?" Yoongi's voice was deeper than usual from being woken up in the middle of the night. It was husky and dark as he didn't bother to hide his thick Daegu satoori. The same voice was whispering lewd and rather sensual things in my ear only hours ago, but it was different this time. It wasn't dripping with lust or fervor. It was gentle and relaxed; back to my normal Yoongi. I shrugged and continued to keep my eyes on the world outside.

"Watching the storm." Yoongi lifted his hand and caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. I leaned in to his gentle touch and closed my eyes, his warmth making me let out a small sigh.

"You're cold," Yoongi stated. I nodded before he came forward and put his hand on my waist. I turned on my side and let him press his front against mine, wrapping his arm around my thin torso and leaving a soft kiss to my lips. I folded up my arms and let my hands warm up against his firm chest.

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