Slow Hands Pt. 1

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My goodness the cover photo gives me chills ;)


Another imagine!!

Gonna be some tension/jealousy up in here y'all so be prepared.

And no nastiness yay!! (That's the NEXT chapter)

And yes this is more than one part so yaaaaaaaaasss stick with it til the end ;)



The game of chance is the game that I most dread playing. All of the punishments are humiliating and ridiculous, but there was no way to get out of it unless you are the one giving out cards and reading the punishments to the other boys. Sadly, today I was given a card and had to play the game.

All of the cards were handed out. The six of us were eager to see who got the card so we could make fun of them for it, but when Jin told us to flip our card, I didn't laugh. I didn't smile. I just lowered my head and shook it tiredly.

Whooping and laughter echoed through the whole room as I ran my hands over my face. A hand was put on my back and rubbed gently up and down to calm my nerves.

I looked up to see my sweet Jimin doing his best to comfort me. He offered me a smile. I sat up again and leaned into him while he wrapped an arm around my thin waist.

"It'll be fine," he whispered in my ear. I smiled and pecked his cheek. He caressed my waist with his small hands making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Alright, Yoongi," Jin said, "let's see what you'll have to endure today!!!" Jin stuck his hand in a hat and mixed the small pieces of paper around before picking one out. He unfolded it and bursted out laughing. He wasn't able to even read the question out loud, so Namjoon took it from him and laughed as well.

"What does it say?" Tae asked eagerly. Namjoon had to catch his breath so he could read the question while Jin had rolled over in the floor he was laughing so hard.

"It says-" he broke out in laughter again, "It - oh my god I can't - someone else has to read it!" Namjoon joined Jin in the floor laughing hysterically. Jungkook took the paper and read it himself. He covered his mouth with his hand to hide his giant smile. He tried to speak, but he just covered his whole face with his hand. Eventually, he spoke up.

"Get..." Jungkook collected himself before continuing, "Get a lap dance from another member." I widened my eyes at the absolute ridiculousness of the punishment.

"But..." he continued, "that doesn't mean it's going to be from Jimin, Yoongi." Jungkook said.

"Excuse me," Jimin replied, his inner sass coming out.

"It says at the bottom that 'the one giving the dance will be chosen through 'rock-paper-scissors'." Now I was annoyed.

"Who the hell wrote this?" I asked. I turned to V, thinking he might be the culprit, but he shook his head showing me it wasn't him. I really didn't want a lap dance, especially from Namjoon; that would be torture. The boys circled up and stuck their hands in. I was sitting silently on the edge watching closely as to who would win.

The first ones to be freed from assisting me in my punishment were Jungkook and V. Next came along Namjoon; which I was very thankful for. It was just down to Jimin and Hoseok. They tied; once, twice. Until finally someone won. It wasn't Jimin.

The boys pulled me up, screaming and hollering and dragged me to the middle of the room where they had set a random chair for me to sit in. I sat down full of embarrassment and regret that Jimin was the one who was let go. I never should have even agreed to this; EVER.

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