The Secret's Out

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This story is dedicated to KIMNAMJOON-FOREVER <3 Go check her out!

There's a little sadness in the beginning but don't worry...
Fluff and UWU alert <3

Be ready y'all ;D





"NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I watched Yoongi being dragged away by photographers and interviewers, blocking my path to run and save him. I felt myself being restrained by people grabbing on to my arms with extremely tight grips, keeping me in place. I could only watch as people surrounded Yoongi, asking questions and taking countless pictures.

"Suga, are you really with your band mate, Park Jimin?"

"Suga, are you really gay?"

"Suga, when did you and Jimin start dating?"

"Suga, are you sure it isn't a phase?"

"Suga... Suga... Suga... Suga... Suga..."

The flashes of the professional cameras were blinding. I tried to shade my eyes and find Yoongi again, but my hands were trapped by sasaeng fans clawing at me and dragging me farther and farther away.

"JIMIN!" Yoongi screamed. I could no longer see him, I could only hear his frantic voice filled with panic.




Yoongi's voice got quieter and quieter and quieter as he was dragged father and farther away. Eventually, his voice was only a whisper.

"I love you..."

"NO!" I felt myself being dragged away by the sasaengs with no way of escaping. They were pulling us apart, and I feared I would never see him again.


I jolted awake in a cold sweat. The nightmare seemed so real. Real enough to question reality. But when I saw Hoseok sleeping in his bed with the sheets all tangled and his mouth wide open emitting pig-like snores, I knew it was only a dream.

I flinched as a flash of white light split the night sky, the loud clap of thunder rumbling the dorm. I put my hand on my chest and took deep breaths, trying my hardest to calm my beating heart.

"It was just a dream, Jimin," I whispered to myself, "just a dream." I ran my hands over my face to rid it of some of the disgusting sweat but furrowed my brow when I felt something stream from my eye. I touched the wetness on my cheeks and found them to be fallen tears I didn't know were there. I sighed heavily and wiped my eyes with the back of my fingers, feeling somewhat like an idiot for crying in my sleep. But I had reason to.

Yoongi and I... we were together. We were madly in love and felt true euphoria when the other was around. But no one knew. Not even the members knew. We were both scared that they would changed their opinion of us; kick us out of Bangtan and send us back to our hometowns over something we can't control.

We were very cautious. We didn't show much PDA in public and on TV. We did our best to resist flirting with each other, but Yoongi seemed to find that extremely difficult. We stayed on opposite teams while doing BTS RUN and kept the longing stares to a minimum.

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