Bruised Pt. 2

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Well, here's part 2 ;)

There's nothing majorly violent or majorly sexual in this chapter to yayyy ;)



"Hoseok stood up and looked down at my dead Yoongi. His whole body was splattered in blood, his hand absolutely drenched in it. He teared his vision away from my love and looked at me. His eyes were bloodthirsty and evil. He smiled and advanced towards me, his elbow drawn back ready to get rid of me. I screamed until I felt like my vocal cords were going to tear until the beer bottle touched my shirt."


I laid there on my side facing my love, my head supported by my hand and my elbow digging into the pillow. I watched as my Jimin slept peacefully beside me, his mouth opened slightly with small snores coming out. I used my free hand to hold his, our fingers entwined. In a groggy state before he drifted off to dream land, he grabbed my hand and made me swear to not let it go. So I just laughed and held it, him falling to sleep soon after.

We accidentally left the bathroom light on because he had suddenly got this wave of exhaustion and basically passed out on the bed, pulling me with him. So, white light streamed through a crack on the door faintly illuminating Jimin. It was almost as if he was glowing. Is that possible? I watched his bare chest rise and fall evenly. His eyes slowly moved back and forth beneath his eyelids as he slept.

Jimin's lips lifted into a small smile making me wonder what he was dreaming about. He suddenly lifted his hand that came closer and closer to my face. My eyes widened in surprise as his fingers found my cheek, cupping it in his palm. I smiled and nuzzled into his palm making him smile even more. This was probably the cutest thing I had ever seen.

Jimin's face relaxed, and his fingers slowly slid from my face. His body shifted and he rolled over on his back, releasing my hand. He laid there motionless, his eyes completely still now. His breathing started to get heavy. I furrowed my brow and sat up from my position on the bed, sitting criss-cross next to him actually very curious. His arms spread to the sides, one over the comforter and the other finding its way to my knee making me smile.

Suddenly, Jimin's back arched slightly, digging his fingers into my knee and crumbled the blanket in his fist. He belted out a guttural moan that made me chuckle. His face contorted into one of pure bliss and squirmed in his place. I smirked watching him dream about me. I know it was me... I am the only one who can make him act like that.

His body relaxed again, lessening his painful grip on my leg. He laid there a moment, nothing happening. His breathing was going back to normal, his body much less tense. Everything seemed to be okay.

"Help me..."

Jimin whispered in his sleep as I saw the edges of his eyes start to get wet. His orbs started to slowly move back and forth from behind his eyelids. A melody started to emit from his lips, softly but very familiar.

Jimin started to hum his song Serendipity; the song he wrote for me. He didn't even tell me he wrote it. He hid it from me as we were putting the album together, and only Jin and Bang PD knew about it. He waited until the last minute to put the song in so I would have no idea about it. When the complete album was released, all the members gathered around and listened to it together. The first song was something I had never heard before, and I thought I had heard everything we wrote and sang. But apparently I was wrong. 

The second Jimin started to sing, my body went numb from the beauty of his voice. Everything about it was perfect. Then I started to listen to the lyrics. They were little things he would jokingly say to me that always made me laugh. But the more I listened, the more I felt that it wasn't a joke. Near the end of the song, I looked up to see Jimin staring at me across the circle with teary eyes and a smile as gorgeous as the moon. That told me everything I needed to know; everything that I needed to hear.

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