Perfect is Overrated Pt. 1

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This one is over 4,100 words so I hope I have satisfied the needs of the people who like the longer stories more than the shorter ones ;)

Shout out to fuckinggabe for being kind and hella awesome *insert excessive applause*

This one will be a little sad I'm sorry :,(

But it gets better so don't worry



One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... 
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...

I stared at myself in the practice room mirrors, noticing every single step and every single movement that was wrong. That was all I could see. Too much to the left, not enough emotion, too rigid, don't slouch, and stay with the damn beat.

We were performing Perfect Man in a few weeks and I couldn't afford to mess it up. I was the center, the image, the one that made the ARMYs scream until they can't scream any longer. My moves had to be perfect. My singing had to be perfect. I had to be perfect.

When the music ended, I immediately ran over and hit play. I got back in my starting position and started again. I imagined all the other members were there dancing along with me. I moved around them and tried to fix everything that was wrong. But when I fixed those, I always found something else that looked absolutely awful.

My legs started to shake, I was panting for air, and my mouth was begging me for water, but I didn't stop. I wasn't going to stop until it was perfect... it had to be perfect.

Through the mirror, I saw Taehyung come in with his phone at his ear and searching for something. When his eyes landed on me, his face changed from Sherlock Holmes to Jin when I won't eat my vegetables. He mumbled something into the phone and hung up, putting it back in his pocket.

"Jiminnie!" Taehyung yelled over the loud music. I heard him; I just ignored him. I needed to keep practicing. "We've been looking for you everywhere!" I continued to sing, trying to focus on my pitch and dancing at the same time when in reality. "Jimin you need to come eat!"

"I'm not hungry!" I yelled back. Taehyung huffed in frustration and walked over to the speaker to turn off the music.

"You touch that phone and I will hurt you!" Taehyung rolled his eyes and backed away with his hands up.

"Jimin, you've got to stop this!"

"No! I need to get it right!"

"Jimin, it's perfect!"

"No, it's not! Now leave me alone!" Taehyung groaned in annoyance.

"Are you really gonna make me go to the last resort?!" I turned my attention away from him and watched myself shake as I danced. "Fine!" I ignored him as he threw his hands up and stomped out of the room. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Taehyung might be my best friend, but he doesn't understand the way I think. I can't help but want things to be perfect. All the media sees me for is my abs. I have tried fighting that for years by showing people my genuine personality and that I'm not a perfect human being. But that's what they want. They don't want genuine and true... they want something pretty to look at, not thinking about how hard it is to maintain that image. So I gave up. I was done fighting a war that I couldn't win. I accepted that people only see me for my abs, and I live with that decision every day.

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