You Got Handsome Pt. 3 FINAL

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This is the last OFFICIAL part I promise ;D don't forget to read the BONUS!



"My Mochi: Fuck space... I need you"


How could I have been so stupid?

Why did my friend see me differently over something I can't control?

How could he do this to me? After everything he did for me?

Why did I trust him?

Where did I go wrong?

How could I have been so blind?





Small minded...


I thought like this for hours. All these questions were racing around in my brain, trying to piece together an explanation. I had trusted him, cared for him, looked up to him, and treated him like a brother. But it seemed to all be for nothing. The second he found out I was gay, his opinion changed of me. I was still the same Jimin he knew back then; small, happy, funny, exuberant. I guess that all means nothing to him now. Our friendship means nothing.

I tried to convince myself that needing space was best. But being alone only made the thoughts worse. The silence only made me want to crawl in a hole and never come out. I couldn't stand it. I didn't need space... I needed Yoongi. Less than a minute passed since I texted my lover before a soft knock came from the door.

"It's open," I said, only loud enough for him to hear. I wiped my tear stained face and ran a hand through my damp hair. I hugged my own clothed torso, trying to keep all my shattered pieces together. My leg bobbed up and down uncontrollably as I sat on the edge of the bed, looking out to the busy city lighting up the dark night sky.

I heard Yoongi's soft footsteps walk across the carpet floor in my direction. When he finally ended up in front of me, I didn't dare look up. My eyes stayed in their place, staring at the middle of Yoongi's bare chest. I leaned closer and rested my forehead against him, still keeping a tight grip on my own body. 

"Why do you want to be with me?" I asked much harsher than I expected. "What's so fucking appealing about me?" Yoongi said nothing as he slowly brought up his large hands with one settled on the back of my head and the other on my upper back. His fingers gently caressing my skin and hair instantly made me feel calm. I wanted to stay like that forever, enjoying Yoongi's soothing touch while I felt the best I had in hours. 

I moved my head slightly to press my lips against his soft skin. I closed my eyes when I felt my arms start to relax, letting me slowly reach behind Yoongi and take a gentle hold of the back of his knees. I repeatedly kissed his chest, letting my lips linger for much longer than necessary then pause before moving to a new spot. He let out the softest of chuckles as I rubbed up and down the back of his legs making him feel a small tickling sensation. After that was a comfortable silence... until Yoongi's soft voice broke it. 

"When I was a teenager, I felt alone." My eyelids immediately opened again and I stopped my gentle attack on his skin, not expecting him to say something so personal. I looked up to see him staring at nowhere in particular. "My parents didn't support my dream to be a musician. My siblings were off doing their own thing. My 'friends' always had something better to do than even just say hello at school. I felt completely and totally alone." My lips turned in to a frown, my eyes soft as I listened carefully.

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