Broken Min Yoongi Pt. 3 FINAL

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Ahh yes... Sope is just so cute ;)

It's the final part that took FOREVER for me to finish!!

I'm sorry if it's trash... writer's block has been kicking my ass :'(

Oh well, there's no going back now!



I sat at the kitchen counter with my heart destroyed and my mind a blur. I stared down at my phone, contemplating whether to dial Yoongi's number; the man I hurt, the man I consider my brother... the man I broke.

How could I hurt him like that? How could I say such terrible things? Why did I get so angry over nothing? Why did I destroy my friendship with the one person who I have always counted on for guidance and support?

All of these questions were running around in my head. What hurt even more was I didn't have answers. There were no explanations or excuses. I screwed up; I screwed up so bad.

I tapped on the counter with my fingers, trying to find the courage to fix the mistake I made. I wiped my wet face and scratched my itching nose, sweeping away the tears that had fallen a few seconds before.

"Come on Hoseok," I said to myself, "stop feeling sorry for yourself and be a man." I scratched my head and cleared my throat.


I picked up my phone and opened it, going to my favorites and pulling up Yoongi's picture. I hit the button and put the phone up to my ear. I continued to tap the counter, waiting for him to pick up. But then I started to panic. What if he won't talk to me? What if he yells at me? What if Jimin answers? I was about to cancel the call when I heard a voice on the other end.

"Hey," Yoongi said. I put my hand over my eyes and sighed. The crack in his voice and the hoarseness that came with it could have only been from one thing; crying.

"Hyung, can we," I sniffed as my lip started to tremble, "can we talk?" A small silence fell between us as Yoongi contemplated whether or not he wanted to even look at me.

"Yeah, where are you?"


"I'll be there in a bit. Give me a few minutes, okay?" I nodded and wiped my face.

"Ok-kay." I hung up the phone and set it screen down on the counter. I put my face in my hands, starting to feel nauseated from the fear of seeing Yoongi broken and damaged to the core.

I sat there in a painful silence. I formed a script that I would say to apologize to Yoongi. I had it all planned out, word for word. But when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, my entire thought process flew out the window. Though, it wasn't just one pair; it was two.

I slowly turned around in my seat to see Yoongi walking in the room with Jimin in tow. He was like his usual self; standing tall, strong demeanor, dominating presence. It was all the same except for his hair, his cheeks, and his eyes.

His hair wasn't straight and neat like it usually is. It was messy and just the slightest bit dirty. When Yoongi is upset, Jimin always runs his fingers through Yoongi's hair to calm him down. He told me that ever since he was a little kid, that was always the way his mother got him to fall asleep when he was hyper or calm down when he was sad.

His cheeks weren't on the pale side like they usually are. They were flushed and stained with tear trails. I had never seen him like that before.

Yoongi's eyes are normally very bright and lively, full of energy and ready to have fun no matter what. But they were not like that. They were swollen... red... wet... empty. He was drained and exhausted. I had put him through so much and this was the result... I broke him.

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