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This story is going to be very adorable with lots of fluff so GET READY FOR SOME SQUEALING FOLKS ;)



I covered my ears as another loud rumble of thunder spread through the dorm. I closed my eyes and rocked back and forth on the bed, trying to hold myself together and praying that the storm would pass. I've always been afraid of thunderstorms. It was one of my very few fears... but this one was the worst. It was irrational, yes. But this was all because of one day; one day that I wish I could forget.

The storm was getting worse. The harsh winds and sideways rain was beating against the sliding door to my balcony. I was starting to breathe heavy and my heart began beating abnormally. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I began to hyperventilate and tug on my hair... I was about to have a panic attack.

Jimin was gone all day due to many photo shoots and dance rehearsal. He was working so hard and doing so well that I didn't want to bother him. When the storm came, I thought I could handle it myself since it wasn't bad in the beginning. But as the storm got worse, the more I started to lose what very little control I had. I almost called him many times, but I talked myself out of it, trying to convince myself that I would be fine. But I wasn't.

I sat on the bed sobbing uncontrollably and rocking back and forth. It was like the cracks of thunder where driving me insane; I was terrified. But I couldn't move to find my phone. I could barely breathe.

The loudest rumble of thunder yet shook the dorm causing me to scream in surprise. The sounds from that night in Daegu, the nights where I lost my best friend, came rushing back to me. The thunder was too much like what killed my friend. I couldn't bear hearing it over and over again. The sound of the gun kept piercing my ear drums, everything around me making me feel trapped. I covered my ears as best I could, but I could still hear the harsh rain beating against the door and see lightning making stripes through the dark sky.

The lights flickered off and on many times until settling on leaving everything bright. But the lights only frightened me more. My vision was clouded by the street lights I saw as I ran for help through the streets of Daegu. My lungs were barely working and everything around me seemed to be a threat. It was too much, far too much.

I barely heard the door open and the sound of keys clinging together as they were taken out of the lock. I didn't know who it was or what they wanted, but it wasn't like I could ask. The door was slammed shut making me jump where I sat. I heard a loud thump of things being dropped to the floor and footsteps racing over to me.

"Yoongi! Yoongi!" I looked up as I heard the voice of my Jimin trying to catch my attention. He turned two shades paler as he saw my tear stained face and my hands over my ears in desperation for the loud rumbles to disappear.

"Yoongi! Yoongi, what's wrong?!" I could barely hear him over my loud sobs that shook my whole body. Another ear splitting crack of thunder made the whole dorm vibrate, causing me to shut my eyes tight and sob harder. The image of my best friend lying on the ground dead wouldn't leave my brain. Suddenly, I felt Jimin shift on the bed and grab my face in his hands.

"Yoongi! Yoongi, I need you to look at me!" I reluctantly looked up at the man I loved to see him in a slight state of panic but also calmer than I would have expected. "Is it the storm?" I nodded my head and jumped at another rumble of thunder. My answer was true enough, not having the strength to explain to Jimin why the thunder terrified me so much. I kept his gaze, pain and terror written all over my face. I saw his heart break at the sight of his mess of a boyfriend.

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