Broken Min Yoongi Pt. 2

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I have rewritten this chapter LITERALLY 15 times so we're just gonna see how this goes ;)



"'Stay,' I said softly, 'I'll be back soon.' Yoongi nodded and watched me walk over to the door. I glanced back at him to see his eyes closed and his chest going up and down evenly. I smiled at his calm state and finally mustered the courage to leave the room and find the man I love some food."


"I don't know what to do, hyung," Hoseok said, small tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. "I said such awful things, and I don't know how to make it better."

I usually know what to say to my dongsaengs to make them feel better. I tell them jokes and say ridiculous things to get a small laugh out of them. But this was different. For the first time in my life, I wasn't sure what to say. Hoseok already felt horrible about what he did; I didn't want to make it worse.

"Hobi," I said calmly, "you need to apologize to him." Hoseok sniffled and nodded his head, wiping away the tears he shed.

"I know... but," He looked up at me in desperation, "what do I say? You didn't see him, hyung..." Hoseok ran a hand through his hair nervously. "I broke him..."

I felt a pang in my chest at the thought of Yoongi not acting strong like he usual does. I have only ever seen him truly cry once in my life, and that was many years ago. I swore to him that I would never tell a soul; that I wouldn't even think about it ever again. But I was thinking about it... and I couldn't stop.

"You didn't mean what you said. But you and I both know how Yoongi thinks... you need to apologize before he starts to believe them." Hoseok nodded. When his lip started to tremble, he put his face in his hands. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it soothingly as he cried out of regret and guilt.

"It'll be okay, Hobi... it'll be okay." Hoseok leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder. We stayed like that for a while, me comforting him as he slowly calmed down. But the comfortable silence was broken by my phone going off. With a sigh, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. My heart stopped as I looked at the caller ID; Yoongi.

"I need to take this. Are you gonna be alright?" Hoseok pulled away and nodded with a small smile.

"Thanks, hyung." I patted him on his back and watched as he dragged his feet out of the living room. I quickly hit the green button on my phone and held it up to my ear.

"Yoongi?" A small sniffle came through the speaker.

"Hyung?" My face fell at the sound of his exhausted and groggy voice. "Where are you?"

"I'm in the living room, why?" Yoongi paused before speaking again.

"Can you come to mine and Jimin's room... please? I need to talk to you..." I nodded to myself and stood up, slipping on my jacket.

"Of course. I'm coming right now." Yoongi let out a sigh of relief.

"The door's unlocked, but be quiet. Jimin just fell asleep."

"I'll be right there."

"Okay..." A few moments later, Yoongi hung up, making me sprint through the house to reach my friend in need. I stood outside their door, catching my breath so my breathing wouldn't wake up Jimin. After a minute or so, I quietly opened the door, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Jimin was curled up under the covers, hugging a pillow and snoring softly while Yoongi sat at the foot of the bed, staring at his hands. A small plastic grocery bag filled with empty food containers sat next to the lit bedside lamp. When Yoongi heard me close the door, he turned to face me with tear-stained cheeks and puffy, red eyes. I felt my heart shatter as I saw the strong and mighty Min Yoongi broken and exhausted. 

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