Airport Angel

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This one is going to be really soft and adorable so get ready to squeal like a true ARMY!


There's not going to be any nastiness in this chapter YAAAAAYY ;)



I don't have a problem with flying. I can tolerate the uncomfortable seats and the screaming children. I'm not afraid of turbulence or the plane crashing, and I am willing to scarf down the disgusting food. But this plane ride was... heartbreaking.

Jimin was asleep in the seat next to me snoring softly. His pale face was covered by a black mask to hide the dark circles under his eyes and his red nose. Even though his skin was burning up, he wore a thick hoodie saying he was freezing. He cuddled up against me, putting his legs over mine. He held one of my hands hostage with my other one on his thigh. His head was resting on my shoulder, his hot forehead touching my neck. I laid my cheek against his head and closed my eyes, doing my best to make my sick boyfriend feel better.

Jimin had been sick for three days now, and he was miserable the whole ten hour flight. We talked a little bit, watched a movie, and played some games. He was faking all of his smiles and all of his laughter. Seeing him in pain was torture for me; there was nothing I could do to make him feel better. Four or so hours ago, he attached himself to me and didn't let go. I hummed in his ear until he finally fell asleep, staying in this exact position the entire time. I didn't dare move a muscle.

I felt a hand on my arm, and I peeled my eyes open to see a flight attendant waking me up.

"Sir, we are about to land," she said. I nodded my head and looked around as people were starting to gather their belongings and stuffing things in their bags. But I didn't move until I needed to. All of our stuff was already in our bags since we barely used any of it the whole trip. The plane started to shake as we landed on the hard pavement, our speed gradually declining.

When the plane completely stopped, our staff started to get up and wake the other members. I watched as Namjoon was shaken awake, rubbing his tired eyes and lifting up his hood. He stood up and stretched catching my eye. He squeezed through the small aisle that was filling up with people, making his way towards us.

"Is he any better?" he asked. I shook my head looking down at Jimin.

"He's been asleep for four hours. He's still burning up." Namjoon nodded his head looking at the staff who were motioning for us to get ready to leave.

"Keep wearing your mask. I don't want you getting sick either." I nodded my head and he turned away, heading back to his seat. I watched Jimin sleeping soundly against me, hating that I was going to have to wake him up. I sighed heavily, pulling up my black mask and rubbed his leg.

"Jimin," I whispered. He didn't budge at all. I pulled away from him and lifted his head by his chin. He slowly woke up, having to peel his eyes open due to his severe exhaustion. "Jimin..." He looked up at me, the circles under his eyes darker than when he fell asleep. Seeing him like this broke my heart.


"We've landed." Jimin nodded and sighed heavily. He rubbed his eye with his pale hand and slowly lifted his legs off of mine. He reached to grab his bag off the floor but I gently grabbed his wrist.

"I'll take care of your stuff," I said.

"Yoongi, I'm fine," Jimin croaked. He weakly tried to move his hand out of my grasp but could barely move his head.

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