Tony Montana Pt. 2 FINAL

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This is a very sweet chapter. I love it with all my heart because this is like the fourth time I have written this chapter and I'm done changing my mind, so here you go! I hope you like it as much as I do ;)



"I placed the note on the top of the pillow and left the room, hoping that Hoseok wouldn't be naked when he opens the door. I can't take that shock; not again."


I tousled my wet hair as I walked out of the fancy bathroom. I aimlessly tossed my towel on the carpet floor, not caring where it landed. When I looked around the room, Yoongi was nowhere to be seen.

"Yoongi?" I walked around the large room and found nothing. I shook my head and walked to the dresser picking up my phone and going to sit on the bed. I was about to hop on the bed when I found a piece of paper laying on the pillow. I opened the folded paper and saw Yoongi's handwriting. I smiled and folded the paper back up, setting it on the bedside table. I crawled to the middle of the mattress and sat crisscross looking at my phone.

I scrolled through my Twitter looking at all the comments about tonight's performance. I was getting quite a few compliments and praises from all the ARMYs. I smiled as I scrolled through the hundreds of tweets talking about how I was on stage and how great Yoongi was. The more I looked, the more I found pictures and videos of me and Yoongi together either rapping or sharing that really extravagant kiss at the end. I swear he planned that; there was no way that wasn't planned. Though of course, there were comments that weren't so... kind. There were people berating and saying such hurtful things about, well... everything.

"oh my god who even is the jimin guy? is he supposed to be important or smthn?"

"why is there a dude with Agust D? he can't rap worth shit."

"omg he sucks so bad why did yoongi even let him on stage?"

Even with all of the amazing and wonderful comments and tweets being made by the supporting ARMYs, every single hateful word got to me. I can take criticism and negativity very well; I don't let it make me upset because their opinion doesn't matter. But this performance was so special... Why would someone say these things?

I threw my phone across the bed, frustrated tears forming in my eyes. I ran my hands through my damp hair and threaded my fingers in it. I held my head with my elbows resting on my knees, trying to get rid of the awful thoughts finding their way into my brain. A tear fell from my eye, but I just sat there; I didn't want to move. I was frozen with all of these words rushing around in my brain; shit, horrible, ugly, trash, fake, sucks, irrelevant. Why did I even think I was good enough?

Soon the door flew open, in coming a freshly showered Yoongi. I quickly sat up and wiped away the tear that fell on my cheek. I ran my hand through my hair trying to fix it a little and took a very deep breath. I looked up with a smile on my face, but Yoongi had turned around to put his dirty clothes away.

"Hey," he said, very happy to see me.

"Hey," I replied, my voice much more shaky than I would have liked. Yoongi stopped in his tracks and gently set down the clothes on top of his bag, not bothering to open it. He turned to me, his brows furrowed in confusion, probably thinking he misheard my tone. I kept my fake smile on my face as best as I could, trying to not let him see I was upset.

"What's wrong?" he asked, worry laced in his voice. I wiped my hands on my sweatpants and let out a deep breath.

"Nothing's wrong," I replied, my voice still failing me. I ran my hand through my hair again out of habit. Yoongi eyed me carefully, trying to read my body language and expressions. He made his way to the bed and sat on the edge, one leg hanging off and the other knee bent on top of the mattress and leaning on his hand.

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