You Got Handsome Pt. 1

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American Hustle Life returns, and a certain member is NOT gonna be happy ;)


I have no idea when Jimin met Tony again. All I know is that they did and I think it is one of the best prompts I have EVER seen. I hope you're excited CAUSE I AM ;)



Los Angeles, California; a placed filled with so many magnificent memories. We may have been kidnapped for a simple prank, but I still think of it as a part of one of the best experiences in my life. I had never been to the United States before; I didn't care what happened as long as I was with the members learning how to be the best performer I can be. And after many years, we finally returned.

The hotel room was mind-blowing. It was gigantic, spotless, homey, and had the most beautiful view of the city you could ever ask for. But in my opinion, nothing even comes close to the view I get to see every day; the man I get to call mine.

I sat on the king-sized bed with my knees bent, my arms crossed on top and my back against the soft headboard attached to the wall. My boyfriend's oversized, navy blue hoodie swallowed my body, making the sleeves end at my fingertips. My eyes were closed as I listened to the distant sound of birds and cars coming from outside the open windows. A slight breeze wafted through the room as I enjoyed the beautiful silence, wishing I could stay like that forever.

I held my left hand in my right one, letting my fingers fiddle with the beautiful black engagement ring on my finger. I smiled thinking back to that one day; the one day Yoongi asked me to be his forever.

I can remember it clearly. The beautiful beach, the chilly morning air, the mesmerizing sunrise, and Yoongi getting down on one knee is something I will never be able to forget. Yoongi's nervousness and awkwardness as he pulled out the ring from his pocket was priceless. He may have dropped the velvet box and stuttered when he asked me to marry him, but it was still one of the best moments of my life. I was too busy running and jumping on him, clinging to him like a koala while kissing him senseless to remember to say "yes". After a solid two minutes of him holding me up while we made out on the beautiful beach, I finally gave him my answer, making his smile grow as wide as it could. Even though it was awkward and poorly executed, I wouldn't change a thing.

When a bell sound came from my phone, I almost didn't look at it. I was too engrossed in the peacefulness I was experiencing to care about anything else. But when the bell went off again, I huffed in frustration and picked up my phone beside me. When I looked at who the message was from, I smiled and opened it willingly.

Lil Meow Meow: Coming to dinner?

I smiled wider and typed back.

JM: what are we having?

Lil Meow Meow: anything you want. The rest of these idiots can't make up their minds.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

JM: rude

Lil Meow Meow: ouch, my heart.

JM: is it a lie?

Lil Meow Meow:

JM: that's what I thought.
JM: there's a restaurant I saw down the street. Let's go there.

Lil Meow Meow: anything for you ;)

JM: you're spending too much time with Jin

Lil Meow Meow: true
Lil Meow Meow: I'll knock on your door in 20

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