Violence Was the Answer Pt. 2

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Wow part 1 was written all within 2 hours
And part 2 was started and finished today

Once my brain starts working it can't stop
*nervous laughter*



"'What,' he challenged, 'jealous?'

All I remember is my hand turning into a fist before everything went blank finding myself being restrained by two security guards and having a busted lip and bloody knuckles as my only injuries."


I felt disgusting. The memory of being shoved up against that wall with no escape replayed over and over again in my mind, the feeling of Lucas's hands roaming my body and forcing his tongue in my mouth without my consent making my stomach sick. I should have found a way out... I should have done something sooner...

Yoongi would never want me after this.

Why would he? How could he want someone who was too weak to fight back... who was too small to fend for myself?

But being in his arms was my own personal heaven. He held me against him protectively, shielding me from the horrors of this cruel world. I didn't care how pathetic I looked clinging to his jacket for dear life or burying my face in his chest. All I cared about was the relief that washed over me when I realized I was away from Lucas and in the arms of the man I trusted with all my heart.

The bliss ended when Yoongi took a gentle hold on my wrists and peeled my hands from his chest. My face fell as I saw his expression. His neck and ears were flushing, his arms shaking as he glared at Lucas. Yoongi's eyes turned cold; blank. Only one emotion could be seen.


"No," I whispered as I tried to grab on to him again. He was going to lose control any second. He was going to release the inner beast inside, not caring how injured Lucas got. The anger inside him was real and uncontrollable. He didn't spare me a single glance before putting my hands by my sides.

"Stay with Tae," he said, his voice eerily calm. My lips parted and my eyes widened, helpless as he walked away.

"No," I tried to walk towards him, but was stopped by a pair of strong arms holding me by my waist.

"Jimin, don't," Taehyung said cautiously. He knew what was going to happen. Everyone knew.

"No no no, Yoongi," I tried to peel Taehyung's arms from holding me back but it was useless. His hold was too strong, keeping me away from the violence that was about to occur.

"There's nothing we can do," he said. There was a lot we could've done. We could've pulled Yoongi away and called for the security. We could've taken me home and forgot any of this ever happened. Though frankly, there was a part in all of us that was eager to see Lucas's ass beaten.

Everyone knew what Yoongi was capable of... the damage he could do. But the fact that it was for me made it a thousand times more personal. It wasn't just that Lucas was a perverted, horny piece of shit. He came after me... me. Years ago, Yoongi promised to protect me with his life no matter what the cost. He never broke that promise.

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