Watch Yourself, Kim Namjoon Pt. 1

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There is going to be a little sadness in this story so bring out the tissues :'(

But it will get sweeter as you keep reading.

Trust me ;)



"And what is it exactly that I have done wrong?!"

"All you do is NOTHING!! You never take time to ask any of us how we are doing or if we are okay!" Namjoon yelled across the room.

"You know I'm not good with that kind of thing! You know I'm trying yet you keep pushing and pushing me when I'm not capable!" Namjoon laughed icily, flinging his arms around and pacing back and forth.

"That's rich! Last time I checked, you're real ready with Jimin aren't you?!" Rage started to boil inside of me, my hands getting uneasy at my sides.

"Watch yourself, Namjoon," I warned.

"All you care about is him and no one else! There are other people in this group besides Jimin, Yoongi!! Stop being so selfish an-" I didn't let him finish his sentence. I stormed over to Namjoon and took his shirt collar in my hands, shoving him up against the wall. Namjoon's eyes filled with fear as I pressed my fists into his chest. I could see my terrifying face in the reflection of his large glasses that he only wears for fashion, but I didn't care. He may be larger than me and better built, but everyone knows the one main reason to not get me upset...

It won't end well.

"Now you listen to me, Kim Namjoon." My voice hardened and lowered to a frightening tone. "I am your elder, and I expect you to show me some respect." Namjoon nodded his head vigorously, having trouble finding the ability to form words.

"You know I am bad at expressing my emotions. You know that I have a hard time trying to find the right words to tell you all how I feel.

"The day that I joined Bangtan was the best day of my life. Since I was a child, I dreamed of singing and writing music. That day, my dream had finally come true. I slowly got to know every member as they joined one by one. I now have six best friends who I love with all my heart.

"All I ever do is worry about you all. Any time I see one of you upset or unhappy, my heart breaks. I only want you all to be happy, and I try my absolute best to comfort you all and give you advice, guidance, and someone to talk to when you need me. I am a man of very few words, so I understand that you think I don't care. But you are wrong.

"All I do is think about you all. I don't care about me. I don't care if I'm exhausted, or if I miss a meal to finish a new song that I am working on. I do everything for you. So don't you dare say I am selfish; I am far from it.

"Every single day, I have the thought of giving up. I have the thought that maybe you all are better off without me here; without me existing. Every day, Namjoon. I don't give a shit; I haven't for a while. I've dealt with all of these horrible thoughts since I was a child with no one to help me. I was pursuing my dream alone with no one by my side.

"One of my main reasons for getting up and enduring every single day is Bangtan. All of the members; not just Jimin. Yes, I give Jimin a little more attention than you all sometimes, but he is the one who is teaching me how to express my emotions. He is the one helping me piece myself together again. If it wasn't for Jimin, I wouldn't be here right now." A switch suddenly flipped inside Namjoon, the gears in his small brain finally starting to work again.

"So, don't you dare think about making assumptions on things you know nothing about. It has taken me a long time to realize it, but now I know that I deserve better. I deserve a life where I feel happy. I don't deserve the way you treat me as if I'm garbage. Because Jimin doesn't treat me that way.

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