Min Yoongi Doesn't Get Jealous Pt. 3 FINAL

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The final part of this story is here! I'm a little sad but also relieved because it took me over three weeks to finish the story and make it how I wanted. The struggles of being a writer ;)

This story probably didn't need this last part but oh well I wrote it anyway ;) 




"'I love you so much,' I whispered, 'and I just wish you would talk to me.' I sighed as he laid still, not hearing a word I said. All I could do was hope that someday, he will say something; one thing. I've helped him this far... there's no going back now."


I peeled open my eyes still in a very sleepy state. One opened freely while the other was up against something soft and warm. I looked in front on me and found cloth up against my face. I pulled back a little and found it was a navy blue shirt made out of soft cotton. I looked up and saw a sleeping Jimin leaned against the headboard of the bed and emitting soft snores.

I lifted my head all the way, not able to go much further since my arms were looped around Jimin's waist. I looked around the room, the lighting a little darker from when I first laid down. The desk chair was pulled out and his book was laying open next to him on the bed. One hand had fallen to his side, right beneath where my head was, while the other rested limp on my upper back. I smiled thinking he had probably ran his hand through my hair so I would stay asleep. My eyes landing on the clock on the nightstand that read 5:37. I had laid down around 3:20. How in the world did Jimin stay still that whole time?

I looked back up at him and stared; not in a creepy way, in a sweet way. As his head tilted forward, his cheeks puffed out making them round and squishy. His lips turned to a pout as little snores left his mouth. His dark hair had fallen in his eyes, only his eyelashes being visible. He was so beautiful.

I let my head tilt to lay my ear on my arm, watching him be at peace. Jimin's head slowly moved side to side before he lifted it. His hair fell to the side revealing his eyelids fluttering open, his brown orbs finally free and visible. He took in a deep breath through his nose and let his eyes trail down to me. The sides of his mouth lifted to show a sleepy smile, still as bright as the sun.

"Hi," he said, his voice huskier and darker than usual.

"Hi," I replied. He lifted his hand off my back, shutting his eyes tight and stretched his arms in the air. He let out a big yawn and relaxed back to lean on the headboard. He opened his eyes again looking back down at me who was still mesmerized by the man above me.

"How long have you been awake?" Jimin asked.

"Not long." He nodded and put his hand on my back again. He reached down and began to run his fingers through my messy hair. I closed my eyes at the soothing gesture and squeezed him in my arms. I buried my face back into his warm stomach and nestled into it making him laugh.

"You're warm," I mumbled.

"Yeah well, you're cute when you snore." I laughed into his stomach and opened the one eye I could.

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