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((A/N- the song for this chapter is Great One by Jessie Reyez))


My head pounds in pain as I open my eyes from my slumber.

Short clips of last night run through my mind.

"I'm the reason you're staying back and it's selfish of me to let you stay here. You need to go-!"I stop, choking up on my tears. Hayley stands in front of me, I can see the denial in her eyes.

I shake my head, not believing what's happening.

Is this some kind of deja vu?

I've been here before, this has already happened.

I look to my side and-

there's no note there, nor are there any pills or water.

"Morning sleepy head."

I look over to the doorway and see Hayley standing there. Smiling. Grinning. She only has my large black shirt on and her hair is a mess but she still looks beautiful-

what's going on? where's Nia? where's Lily?

"What's going on?"I mumble, rubbing my temples and trying to comprehend what's happening. Hayley smiles small and walks towards me with her hands behind her back.

"I decided not to get on the plane. Even when you yelled at me last night, I didn't go. I didn't want to. I want to stay here with you, Calum."she sighs out before straddling my waist. My eyes widen.

What the hell?

"Wait, where's Lily? Is she at school already?"I ask, looking at the time and seeing it's now 10:45 in the morning. "Who's Lily?"her face twists up with confusion.

Is this really happening?

"What's the date?"

She rolls her eyes and lifts my phone up from the dresser and hands it to me.

This is really happening. It's the day Hayley left for college. But she's right here in front of me. Sitting on my legs and gazing down at me, trying to figure out why I'm so confused.

None of it ever happened.

Hayley never got on the plane to New York and went to college. We never broke up. She never met Jackson and brung him here for Christmas break, which means he never got the chance to hurt her. She never had to see Nia and I get back together- I never to get back together with Nia.

Hayley and I never had sex before she flew back to New York and finished college, she never got pregnant. She never went back to Jackson.

She doesn't even know who he is.

Lily was never born.

My sweet baby girl, Lily, she was never born. Never even though of. It breaks my heart. Yes, I'm glad all of the bad things never happened and I'm glad I'm still with Hayley, but Lily was never born.

But as long as I'm with Hayley, and I hope that it's forever, we'll get to that point again in our lives and I hope we can have Lily, the right way. With me in her life from the start.

"Calum, are you okay? You look like you're about cry-"

"I'm ecstatic, Hayley. Ecstatic."I grin up at her with proud tears in my eyes.

She smiles down at me. "Are you mad I didn't get on the plane?"she asks quietly with a slight grimace. I shake my head and lean my face up towards hers.

I can change everything now. Everything I didn't say before, I'll say it now.

"No, I'm happy. If you would've gotten on that plane, we would've broken up and I would've called you nonstop and you would end up hating me. You would end up meeting some other guy and fall in love with him, but Hayley I don't want him to be the one you fall in love with, I want it to be me. I want to be the one who wakes up next to you in the morning, I want to be the one who gets to kiss you good morning and goodnight and everything in between. I want to be the one who makes you smile in the most random moments just because of the thought of me. I want to be here by your side until the day that we both die, but until then I just want to be with you and I want you to be with me, Hayley. Because, I love you and only you. No matter what the fuck I say, or whatever mood I am in to make me say otherwise, I love you, Hayley."

Her eyes are filled with tears and she runs a slow hand through my hair with a small laugh. "Calum, I'm already yours-"

"Will you be mine forever?"I interject.

I can feel her slightly tense up as her cheeks flash red.

"What are you asking me, Calum?"she murmurs slowly.

Say it, say it before it's too late. Don't back out like you did before.

"I know it's too soon, and not now but later down the road. Will you marry me?"I ask; my heart thumping hard against my chest.

A small smile crawls on her lips and she nods as several tears leave her light brown eyes. "Yes, later down the road,"she pauses to press a small kiss against my lips. "I would love to marry you."


"Yes, Calum?"

"Thank you for being such a sweet neighbor to me."




It's over and i'm slightly crying ngl but i think it's cause i'm on my period

wELL i hope you enjoyed this journey and this long ass story of two people who weren't meant for each other but ended up loving each other in the end .

i'm so sorry if you hated this ending but wattpad was bugging and deleted the original last two chapters and i had to rewrite them.

but i love you guys, thanks for the support!!





it's basically all the same characters but in a different story line and different world :))

I'll be releasing it by the end of this week so watch out for it

but goodbye my muffins


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