20//It's A Surprise

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((A/N- lol I forgot the song for the chapter is What A Feeling by One Direction but a bitch can't find that shit on youtube so uhhh))


I wake up to the feeling of someone's lips being pressed against mine. I snap my eyes open to see the black, now curly headed, smiling boy in front of me, kneeling beside my bed.

I giggle and push him off of me slightly. "Good morning, giggles."he chuckles softly. "Morning?"I croak out. I look at the window and see it's still dark out. He smiles and plays with a strand of my hair. "What are doing here at,"I pause to check my phone "4:27 in the morning?"I sigh out of annoyance, still being tired.

"Waking you up to tell you to get up and get a jacket and shoes on."he says and stands up. "Calum, I'm tired. It's too early for this."I complain and drag out his name. He shrugs. "It's never too early. Come on, up we go."he says and pulls my arms up, forcing me to sit up.

I groan loudly and throw my head back. "But Calum-"

"Hayley, come on. Otherwise, there's a bathtub full of cold water waiting for you."he threatens. I huff of frustration and get out of the bed.

He come to the realization of what I'm wearing and laughs lightly. I'm wearing nothing but underwear and one of his shirts that he left here.

Calum strides towards me and wraps his arms around my waist tightly. "You look adorable when you wear my clothes."he whispers. I shrug and look up at him. His eyes are bright and full of joy.

"Cal,"he stops me mid sentence and smashes his lips down on mine. I feel a small smile pull at my lips and I lean back into the kiss. His lips are delicately pressed up against mine while his hands find their way to my face and hold my cheeks, softly. He pulls himself away from me with a cheeky grin.

"Get some pants on and grab a jacket and shoes. Meet me downstairs in 5."he blurts and pecks my lips once more before he dashed out of my room and down the stairs.

I'm still stuck in my position. The feeling of his lips are still lingering on mine. I smile small to myself.

Oh Calum, what are you doing to me?


I walk downstairs, hair tied into a messy bun, wearing sweatpants and Calum's shirt on me along with his sweater.

I continuously wipe my eyes and yawn.

4 in the morning...really, Calum?

My door swings open and Calum stands there with a smile. I raise an eyebrow in confusion. He takes my hand and pulls me with him outside. "Come on, I wanna take you somewhere."he says and walks me over to his car before opening the door for me.

I get in and watch as he closes the door and rushes to the other side and gets in.

The car is already started.

He pulls out of the driveway and we start driving down the street.

I sigh and lean against the window, feeling my eyes flutter shut.

Images of Calum and I from the past 3 weeks pass my mind.

His arms wrapped around me as we laughed and walked around the town. Paparazzi catching several pictures of us.

Us in his kitchen, talking about literally nothing and just enjoying each other's company.

Him buying me flowers just for the sake of it and treating me like a princess when I was on my period- which I appreciate very much.

I feel a hand on my thigh, causing me to jump from my short nap. I look over to see Calum smiling at me and looking back to the road. "No falling asleep, baby."he laughs. I roll my eyes and groan. "Calum, I'm sleepy.".

"Well wake up."he laughs and nudges me. I sigh and rub my eyes, attempting to pry them open.

"Where are you even taking me?"I ask with a yawn falling from my lips. "It's a surprise, but I promise you'll love it."he says and gently lays a hand on my thigh. I tense up slightly at the feeling as I'm suddenly jolted awake by his simple gesture.

"Okay."I nod.


We arrive at a fairly large building with 'STUDIO 119' printed in large white letters on the side. "Here we are, doll face."he smiles and gets out. I yawn loudly before he opens my own door and I come to realization he's holding his hand out for me to take.

I grab his hand as he pulls me up and out of his car. He closes the door behind me and we begin walking into the studio. He guides me down multiple hallways before we finally reach a door with 'RECORDING' in big white letters.

He swings it open and lets me walk in first. It's pitch black dark so I see nothing.

"What is this?"I whisper.

He flicks on two switches, revealing a recording studio. My eyes widen at the sight and I turn to him with confusion.

"Why are we here?"I ask. He smiles and takes my hand, leading me into the recording booth and placing a set of headphones on my ears. I laugh softly as he presses a small kiss to my lips and begins to leave the booth. "Calum, what are you-?"

"Just wait there, I'm gonna be here on the other side of the glass. I have a surprise for you."he smile and exits.

I roll my eyes and look around the booth. An acoustic guitar sits in one corner, a drum kit in the other and a bass guitar stands on the other side of the drums.


I look in front of me, Calum is on the other side of the glass with a large grin as his fingers hover several button and triggers.

"I'm gonna play you a song."he speaks. I nod and hold a thumbs up. He nervously clicks a few buttons and a bit of shuffling is heard from the headphones.

"Uh, Hayley. It's about 2:17 in the morning, and in a couple of hours I'm going to show you this song. I made it for you. Just, um, listen to it.... 1, 2 3, 4..."




love u bai.


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