10//This Is Just Great.

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((A/N- song for this chapter is Let Me Rock by Marc E. Bassy also I RELATE TO ED ON A SPIRITUAL LEVEL SKSKS))


It's around 10 at night when I go back home.

I'm in my bedroom, finishing up the song, when I hear a loud screaming sound coming from next door. I widen my eyes.


I jump out of my bed and dash down the stairs and quickly slip on my slides and run over to her house and up to her door, swinging it open.

She turns around and-

"You must be Calum."a girl says.

Hayley stands there with a large smile and it turn into a confused face standing beside a girl. There's another girl?

"Oh. Calum. This is Gracie, Gracie this...is Calum."she frowns. Gracie eyes me and purses her lips to the side. "Nice to meet you."I smile nervously.

"What're you doing here?"Hayley asks and crosses her arms. "You screamed. I came to see if you were okay."I say. "Of course I'm fine, Calum. Everything's good. Thanks though."she nods. I nod and look to Gracie.

She's still glaring at me.

"What'd I do?"I ask. Hayley clamps her hand over Gracie's mouth. "Nothing. Just...go home."she sighs out. I chew on bottom lip.

Talk to her, Calum! She's right in front of you! Now is your chance!

"Hayley, look-"

"Listen, it's late. Gracie just got here and we have a lot of catching up to do. I'll see you sometime tomorrow?"she stops me. I sigh and nod. "Okay. Have a nice night girls."I smile.

Hayley takes my hand and drags me to the porch before cracking the door closed a tiny bit.

"Can we talk?"I whisper. She sighs and looks away. "Can we talk tomorrow or something?"she grumbles. "Well I hate you being mad at me so-""

"You're the one who got an attitude with me this morning."she blurts. "I know, and I'm sorry. I understand where you're coming from with the whole Nia thing now. I get it. But can we just- not focus on her?"I ask softly and rub her knuckles softly. She chews on the corner of her lip before whimpering.

"Its not right, Cal. You can't just sleep with me and leave me to go back to her. I get that it's just sex but still. Screwing a girl and then going back to their relationship is messed up."she whispers, looking down at her hands.


"H-Hayley...are you growing feelings for me?"I ask with a slight drop in my heart. She looks up at me with narrowed eyes. "N-No. I'm not. Ya know what, goodnight Calum."she mumbles and walks back in, slamming the door on my face.

I roll my eyes and groan loudly before slumping back over to my house.

I walk in the door and see Duke waiting beside his bowl. "I gotcha buddy, I know."I say and walk over.

I pour his food into his bowl along with water into the other one. He licks my hand twice before digging into the dry dog food. I grab 2 beers for myself before I walk back upstairs to my room and slam myself into my bed. I look to my nightstand and pull out one of the dressers. I set the beer down.

My pack of cigarettes sit there.

Don't do it, Calum.

I sigh and take them out, slipping one from the carton.


I set it between my lips gently and grab my lighter from the nightstand.

Dude, you were doing great without them, stop!

I flick the lighter and hold it up to the cigarette but not all the way.

Put them down! Think about Hayley! She doesn't like smokers, remember?

I roll my eyes and listen to my subconscious. Why should I even be thinking about her? It's not like she's my girlfriend or anything.

The only reason she isn't your girlfriend is because of Nia, dumbass. Maybe if you would notice, you've spent more time with Hayley in the past 2 weeks than you have with Nia.

I take the cigarette out of my mouth and set it back in the carton and toss them back in the drawer. I grab the beer bottle and take a few huge gulps of it.

What am I doing? Why am I thinking about Hayley? All she is and ever will be is my 'sugar baby'.

But she's so fucking beautiful. Her laugh is amazing. Ugh, and the way my name rolls off her tongue is the best. She has the same sense of humour as me and even the guys all like her.

But so is Nia. Nia is beautiful, she makes me laugh and I do the same with her. She's like my best friend but I wanna be more than just best friends with her. All the guys like her but I have to admit, Hayley's grown on them.

Ugh, what am I doing??

I take another huge drink of the beer and set it down.

She's making me go crazy. Oh my God.

I can't a single second without thinking about what's she's doing or something. Then when I'm not thinking about her, I'm with Nia.

I take another drink of beer and sigh to myself.

This is just great.


this is like a filler i guess but there's details in here that you need to pay attention to so yeah.

ok bai again.


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