45//Honey Bunches of Gross

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((A/N- the song for this chapter is Pick You Up by Kevin Ross))


"Does this dress look good on me?"Nia asks me, spinning around in it. I look her up and down, swallowing hard.

"Yes, absolutely."I smile. She smiles before holding up two other dresses.

"Okay, but which one do you think looks better?"

I shrug at the two dresses Nia holds up to her small frame. "They all look great on you."I reply.

Her eyes roll back in annoyance. "Babe, you aren't even paying attention! Do you even care?"she asks. I open my mouth to answer but she beats me to it-

"Of course, I know you do, but ya know what- I'm not wearing a dress anyways. I can probably find some really nice jeans-"

I zone out of whatever she's going on about when I spot her across the street, walking into a clothing and design store. I spot out just a few paparazzi following shortly behind her and parking a few car spots down from the store.

It's Hayley-

"Calum?! Hellooooo?"Nia waves her hand in my face, catching my attention. I look down at her and plaster a smile on my face. "Huh?"

"What are you even staring at?"her eyes follow to where my gaze was. She notices Hayley, who's now looking through different fabric patterns.

A small smile grows on my lips.

"Oh! Hayley! Let's go say hi!"she smiles.

Nia believes Hayley is the reason that we were brought back together. She believes that fate made Hayley come back- but only to push us back together.

And since Hayley isn't budging with letting me be with her, I guess I could give Nia a shot again. So far, I'm actually enjoying being with her.

Well, besides the fact that almost every 10 minutes she calls me some weird nickname.

After checking out the 3 items Nia picked, we make our way out.


"Will that be all for today?"the nice cashier lady asks me. I nod, grabbing my bags of material and smiling. "Have a nice day!"she waves. "You too."I bid her and walk out of the store, only to see Calum and Nia across the street- coming towards me.

Not today, nope.

I begin walking the opposite way as if I never saw them. I just need to make it home so I can start working on my new design without any distractions-

"Hayley! Hey!"

Damn it.

I plaster a fake smile on my face before spinning around to see the couple, holding hands and grinning from ear to ear.

"Nia! Calum! Hey guys!"

"Hey, how are ya? Whatcha been up to?"Nia asks, looking at the bags in my hands. "Oh, nothing really. Just finished a design so I bought some material. How about you guys?"I sigh out.

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