22//My heart feels heavy-

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((A/N- y'all, just a warning: expect the feels bc the song for this chapter is TALK ME DOWN by Troye Sivan ))


"Hey, it's Calum. Leave a message!"

"Calum... I know this is like my 15th time calling you and I know you don't wanna talk to me right now but, I-I'm sorry. I really wanna talk about this. Please call me back."

I end the call and sigh before flopping back onto my bed. Yesterday night- well this morning- was hectic.

Calum's been ignoring every text and call I send him. I haven't seen or heard from him, which makes me want to cry. Oh, who am I kidding? I've already cried myself to sleep and cried in the bathroom twice in the past 3 hours.

There's two short knocks at my bedroom door.

My heart leaps at the thought of seeing my curly headed boyfriend. "Yes?"

In walks Luke.

I sigh of frustration and lay back down on my bed. "Hey, I see you're holding up better than I thought."he jokes. I roll my eyes.

"Have you talked to Calum?"I ask, sadly. He nods. "Well, kinda. He ranted to me while I just sat and listened until he told me I could go."he explains.

"What did he say?"I ask. Luke sits beside me on the bed and adjusts his beanie that sits on top of his head.

"He's pretty upset, Hayley. He was drinking a lot and throwing things, you wouldn't want to see him like that. He was slurring his curses around and yelling 'why didn't she tell me!?'. It was really sad, Hayley. You should've told him."Luke explains.

My heart feels heavy in my chest.

"I didn't think it was needed. I applied for college before I even left America or even planned any of this. I would've thought I was getting away from everything, parents and college included."I say.

He shrugs and shifts slightly in my bed.

"Are you gonna go?"Luke asks, causing questions to roll around in my head.

Am I going to go?

"I don't know.... I mean, I was given the opportunity that not very many people get. They're two of the best colleges in the US, they could get me into a lot of things. B-but, I don't want to leave you guys. You, Michael, Ashton... Calum."I mumble my boyfriend's name.

"Trust me, Hayley. We'll be fine if you go to America to go to college, just visit us whenever you can. Plus, we'll probably be touring America next time you see us."Luke smiles. I smile small.

"What do I do, Luke?"I ask him.

"I don't know, Hayley. That's your decision. Do you want to go to one of the best colleges in America or stay here in Australia with 5 amazing people. It's a win-win and a lose-lose situation. You have to decide for yourself what to do, little bug."he says, messing up my hair and standing from my bed.

I smile small and watch him leave my room.

What do I do?

I need to talk to Calum, he'd know what to say to help me.... but I can't talk to him. He doesn't want to see me right now. I can only imagine what he's thinking. Ugh, he probably doesn't even care. He probably wants me to leave.


I lie in my bed, glaring at the ceiling.

The moments keep replaying over and over in my head-

"College?"I mumble as my heart shutters.

Hayley stars to bite her lip nervously.

"Yes, college. Can you spell it-?"her mother spits at me, I don't see why. I've never even done anything to her.

Gracie rants off to her while I tune everything out-

But...College? Hayley was gonna go to college? But she came here-?
She probably came here to wait until she got the good news back. Of course. It all makes sense now. This was just some kind of vacation. She never planned on staying. She was just gonna up and leave as soon as she got the news.

"Harvard and Yale. They both said yes, Halencia."her father finally says.

Harvard and Yale? Aren't those the best schools?!

Hayley's going to Harvard or Yale? That means she's been playing this life as a normal girl while she's really more than that. She's probably this privileged girl who gets straight A's in disguise.

"Yes, you've done it. All the hard work paid off, my dear."he continues to his daughter, my lying girlfriend.

"C-College?"I repeat and immediately let go of her hand.

The small smile she once had is gone as her eyes connect to mine. "Calum, I never knew-"

"So what? You were just gonna come here and wait for the good news about your fancy college and leave? Without even warning me? Not telling me anything about this?!"I shout, feeling my heart tear to pieces as my eyes still hold with hers.

I can't do this-

"Calum, please, let me exp-"she reaches for my hand as I back away from her.

"No, Hayley. Don't make it worse."I growl at her before shaking my head and stomping out of the house

My heart is torn.

And to think I might've loved her? It's too soon, of course. I should've seen this coming. It's too good to be true. A girl like her coming into my life and everything going good? Of course not.

But everything about her just pulls me in. From her beautiful brown eyes, to the way her lips pull into a smile. Her amazing little laugh and the way her nose scrunches up when she gets angry. The way she looks absolutely adorable when she wakes up with her hair everywhere and sleep still in her eyes.

It angers me that Hayley kept it from me. She's leaving for college. She could've woke up any day, packed her bags, and left on the first flight back to America.

I can't even look at her right now, I would probably say something we both know I would regret saying.

I just can't right now.

Maybe I just need to stay away from her for while... then I'll talk to her.




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