49//New York, L.A

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It's been exactly 2 months since my visit to Australia. When I came back, I got back with Jackson and we set some rules together. I told him he can't hurt me anymore, and he has to trust me. He told me I have to stop talking to to Calum, so I agreed.

It wasn't hard. Ever since I left, I've lost most of my contact with nearly everyone. Gracie and I still talk a lot though. The boys are off on tour with Hey Violet and I'm actually very proud of them. It's going great so far. They're very successful and getting bigger everyday, I'm very happy for them.

Speaking of things getting bigger everyday, so is my stomach.

I'm pregnant.

Exactly 2 months. Jackson was ecstatic to find out I'm expecting. I'm so glad he's happy about it. He knows it's Calum's baby, but he's not gonna let that ruin this. He said he's going to take care of the baby like it's his own child.

I haven't told Calum about it, and I don't plan on it either. He's off on tour, doing his own thing. They're making music halfway across the world or somewhere. It would be stupid to tell Calum about a baby, especially when he wouldn't have time for one.

I'm also pursuing my dreams of becoming a professional fashion designer. I have my own little designing area in my apartment- I moved out of the dorms- dedicated to my work. I've made outfits for several upperclass people, like Taylor Swift, Bea Miller, and I've even made a tux specifically for Dylan O'brien. They were really nice people to work with.

Jackson has finally met my parents, just last month actually. My mom has finally come to terms that she can't control my life, and we're now on great terms. She apologized for being so rude in Australia, and she genuinely thought that Calum and I would last. But she's happy for Jackson and I now. My dad gave Jackson the 'dad' talk since Jackson's going to be one soon, which made me very happy.

Everything is going so well in my life right now. Nothing can take the smile off of my face, I'm happy with everything. Nothing is wrong.

"You're doing it wrong!"I laugh loudly at Jackson.

"What do you mean? I'm doing exactly what you did!"Jackson chuckles and backs away from the fake baby doll. I take his place and roll my eyes. "If you put the diaper on backwards, the baby will be uncomfortable."I clarify. He smiles and nods, looking down at me while I fix the diaper.

My eyes meet his for a brief second. "You should be watching my hands, not my face, Russet."I smirk smallish before finishing.

"Sorry, I cant help but look at my beautiful girlfriend. It's inevitable, I can't stop."he says dramatically with a playful laugh. I grin up at him with my arms crossed. "God, you're such a dork."I laugh lightly. "I'm your dork, though."he replies.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I lift it to my hands and see it's my mother calling. "Oh, it's mom, I'll be right back."I say, excusing myself.


"We're glad to have you on the show, boys!"the interviewer tells us.

We're all seated on a fairly large couch. We're being interviewed by a radio station in L.A. , management set it up.

"Glad to be here, John."Luke speaks for us. "So, the new album is about to be out! How do you guys feel?"he asks. We all look at each other and laugh randomly.

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