35//I'll Wait For You

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"Hey giggles."I smile down at my ex girlfriend. She stands there, frozen and looking absolutely perfect in my shirt.

"What do you want, Calum?"she clears her throat and regains her composure. "Well,"I begin with a sigh "I want to talk."I say quietly and nudge her back into the bathroom before walking in and closing the door behind me.

Her eyes go wide with horror as she shakes her head. "I don't think so, Cal. Not today, or the next day, or the next-"she tries to get around me.

"Then when? Because I want to talk to you."I say, blocking the door. A look of defeat comes across her face.

"Okay, Calum. Talk."

"Okay, Hayley. Listen."

She rolls her eyes and nods.

"Okay. I know I've been acting like a dick but I can't really help it since you're here with Jackass-"

"Jackson."she corrects me.

"Hush, you're here with Mr Frosty Fries and of course I want you back, but that's not possible when he's here and you two are... dating. Before he was even in the picture, I told you wanted you. So it shouldn't be a surprise to you that I'm going to go ahead and tell you, I'm still-"

"Don't say it Calum, please don't."she stops me with a weak voice.

Say it.

"I'm still in-"

"Don't, Calum, don't!"she warns.

"I'm still in love with you, Hayley!"I blurt out. The small girl laughs sadly with a small smile but her eyes fill with tears in an instant. "Don't say that, Calum, please-"

"It's true, I'm in love with you, and I'm sorry. I made a horrible mistake and I let you go, but I promise baby-"

Hayley whimpers at my words and shakes her head, looking away. I take her hands in mine and link her fingers in mine, smiling at the familiar feeling. A look of fondness slightly comes across her face before its removed again.

"-I will wait for you. I don't care how long it takes, I'll wait for you."I finish.

"C-Calum, I'm with Jackson now."she sighs out and rips away from my touch.

"I don't care how long it takes,"I pull her back to me and lift her head up to meet my gaze. "l'll wait for you."I whisper.

A tear finally leaves her eye and slides down her cheek. "Don't wait for me, Calum. I've- I've moved on!"she croaks before removing herself from me once more.

"How many times are you going to keep telling yourself that, huh? How long are you going to keep telling yourself that you're moved on from me and that my words have no affect on you? How many times are you going to deny the fact that you do want me and you do miss me just as much as I want and miss you, huh? How long will it take, Hayley?"I urge the helpless, teary-eyed girl in front of me.

She stays silent. Her lips stay connected and I'm afraid they might stay that way. My heart sinks when she sits on the sink counter and puts her head in her hands.

"I'm with Jackson now."is all she whispers, through her tears. "I'll wait-"

"I'm with Jackson and I'm happy with him, he makes me happy. I-I know that he won't hurt me, and he won't interfere with my designs a-and I know that he won't break up with me at an airport in front of thousands of people. Jackson won't hurt me, Calum, you will."she cried in her hands.

My heart felt a pang of pain.

She's afraid she'll get hurt again-

"I'm so sorry, Hayley. I just wanted you to be successful and not focus on me so I did what I thought would be best. I'm sorry."I apologize. She sniffles and wipes her tears from her eyes and stares up at me.

"Okay? And now what, you just want me to forgive and forget?"she utters. I begin to part my lips but she cuts me short-

"It's gonna take me awhile to forgive you and I'll never forget it, but then what? What do you want?"she hisses. I wince at her tone and run a hand through my hair stressfully.

"I want you, Hayley."

She shakes her head and stands from the sink, standing in front of me and staring me dead in the eyes.

"It's too late, Calum. I'm with Jackson."she claims in a calm tone.

"Does Jackson make you feel the way I do?"I ask her. I know she won't be able to answer straight forward. She knows it too, so she keeps her mouth shut.

"Does Jackson know your favorite color is blue, and that you won't eat any type of fish unless there's something to go with it, and that you aspire to be a designer in the future? Does Jackson know that you prefer gummy worms over gummy bears and that you secretly prefer some kind of kid's drink over vodka or beer, but you drink beer anyways so people won't think you're a lightweight but you actually are-"I pause as I notice a small smile forming on her lips.

She thinks you forgot about everything.

"Baby, does Jackson know that about you?"I finish. She slowly drops her smiles and shakes her head in confession. "No..."she whispers.

"Then what's the point of being with him?"I ask quietly.

She looks away and sighs. "He makes me happy, Cal. He won't hurt me."she mumbles. I sigh in defeat and nod slowly.

Well, at least you tried.

"Okay, I see. Just know that I'm always going to wait for you, Hayley. Just like I said in the text, I don't care if it takes a decade. I'll wait."I remind her. She nods.

I take her hands in mine once more, watching her eyes glaze over with the familiar sadness and sorrow. I bring her knuckles to my lips and place small kisses on them, and with every one she looks more fond of the feeling.

"I love you, I'll never stop."I whisper, almost inaudibly. She looks up into my eyes. "I know."she chokes.

I nod slowly and press a kiss against her head and quickly retract from her, feeling her tense up.

I turn around and swing the door open-


"Jackson,"Hayley clears her throat behind me.

His eyes show anger and confusion, I can understand why.

"What the fuck is going on in here?"he spits out of anger, making Hayley jump slightly.

I look back to her and her eyes dart to me with fright.

Damn it-



sooooooo that happened. and there's still more. :|||||



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