41//He Hurt Me.

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((A/N- uh i'm sorry in advance the song for this chapter is 26 by Paramore))


I slowly enter my bedroom and close the door behind me, seeing Jackson asleep on my bed.

I feel so guilty, what have I done?

I slept with Calum even though I've been trying to avoid him the entire stay. I told Jackson that I'm getting over Calum and I'm trying to be with him, but it was all a lie.

I slump over to the bed and carefully crawl into it with him and rest myself against his chest. He shifts slightly and wraps his arm around me, indicating he's waking up.

I smile small, and sad.

"Sorry if I woke you up."I whisper. He chuckles lightly with his raspy morning voice and peeks an eye open slightly.

I cheated on those beautiful eyes, and that beautiful laugh.

"You're fine, where were you last night?"he whispers.

Oh God, the guilt.

"I ended up passing out on the couch at the party."I lie with a small smile. He smiles and rests his forehead on mine. "Well, at least you're here now.".

Come on, Hayley, tell him.

"Jackson, can we talk?"I ask meekly. He opens both of his eyes and rubs the sleep from them, nodding. "Yeah, sure, what's up?"he asks before sitting up.

I twist my lips in and stand from the bed, feeling the guilt sit in my soul.

He sits at the edge of the bed and smiles up at me with a smile that makes me feel even worse. I stand between his legs and play with his hair, trying not to look into his eyes.

"Oh yeah, how was the Christmas party? Did you have fun? Did you guys play any games-"

"I slept with Calum."I blurt out the words.

His smile falters slightly but instead he just looks up at me with a confused smile.

"You what?"

"I had sex with Calum last night...and this morning. I know I said I was getting ov-"

"Okay."he shrugs his shoulders indifferently.


"Yeah, I know you didn't mean it so it's-"

"But, I.... I did mean it. I wanted it to happen. And it did."I confess. His face holds that's same smile yet his fingers begin to dig into my hips, painfully.

"We can work through this, right?"he asks, digging deeper. I whimper at the feeling and wriggle around, but he pulls me back to him.

"Jackson, you're hurting me again-"

"We can work through this, right?"he repeats, only more stern. I finally look into his eyes and see his once sweet, blue eyes are now replaced with dark, horrifying ones.

"Right, Hayley?"he asks again through gritted teeth and tightens his grip on me. I whimper and pull away from his grip only for him to grab my arm and throw me on the bed. I stare up at him with horror.

His eyes show no sympathy for his actions.

"R-Right."I mumble.

He leans down to my face and wraps a hand around my neck, almost squeezing.

"Don't. Do it. Again."he commands before pushing me down to the bed and walking away, leaving the room.

I sit there with tears in my eyes, scared and alone.

Jackson hurt me. He hurt me.

Calum wouldn't do this-

I know I shouldn't have cheated on him. I know I should've stayed away from Calum, but I didn't and this is my consequence.

Why didn't he just break up with me? I would've been fine with that but instead he hurt me and is staying in the relationship.

Break up with him.

I can't, what if he hurts me again?

Tell Luke, or Ashton, or Michael or Calum.

He'll just hurt me again.

Not if he's in the hospital-

I don't want him to be in the hospital, I'd feel bad.

Why would you feel bad? He-

No matter what I do, I can't do it.

I find myself curling up into a ball on the bed and crying into my hands.

I want someone to be here with me, to wrap their arms around me and tell me I'm okay. I want Calum. I know he would never intentionally hurt me, at least not physically.

My mind plays through old memories of the curly headed boy and I.

I feel more tears streaming down my cheeks at the thought of him.


I look up hesitantly and see Ashton standing in the doorway with a worried expression written on his face.

"What's wrong?"he asks softly, walking in and sitting down beside me. I continue to cry helplessly and curl up against him. He wraps a protective arm around my waist, making me wince slightly but I play it off as moving closer to him.

"Talk to me, what's going on?"he asks softly.

Say it, Hayley, tell him.

I can't form any words so I slowly separate from him and hold a finger to my mouth. He nods, getting the hint to not say anything.

Slowly but surely, my trembling hands lift my shirt to reveal red nail marks and red-purple handprints on my waist. His face looks concerned and his hands skim them lightly. I wince away from his touch.

"Jackson?"he guesses. I nod slowly and hold the finger to my lips again. He wraps his arms around me again and runs a hand through my hair.

Thank God for Ashton...


A/N- well there's that.

Hayley is stuck in an abusive relationship with a guy who has issues.

btw i'm sick asf

i might have the stomach flu.

who knows.


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