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It's been about a week since Hayley and I have been in this 'deal'. Yesterday, at a meeting, we were told we're going to be making an appearance at the American Music Awards, which is amazing. But of course, Luke being Luke brought up bringing our girlfriends. Meaning he would bring his trash- sorry I mean girlfriend, Arzaylea. Michael would bring his girlfriend, Crystal. Then there was me, since Ashton doesn't have a girlfriend.

They all suggested I bring Hayley but I told them it's too soon. Of course, they urged me to ask her. So here I am.

I look up at the ceiling as I lay across Hayley's couch.

"I have a writing session to go to tomorrow so I won't be available."I call out to her in the kitchen. She comes out with a large bowl of nachos, wearing my black sweater.

She should wear my clothes more often. They look good on her.

"Mkay. When do I get my paycheck?"she asks and comes around and plops down beside my feet. "I can...get it to you before I leave tomorrow?"I suggest. She shrugs before stuffing her mouth with the nachos.

"Okay. I have to go looking for house decorations tomorrow and I'm getting up at 8."she informs me. I nod.

Come on, Calum. Ask her.

"So...there's this award thing coming up and I told the guys it might be too soon but they told me to ask you anyways so, do you mind coming with me to the American Music Awards?"I sigh out.

I look over to her and see a small smile as she laughs. "Sure, I'll go. It sounds like it'll be fun."she shrugs. I nod. "Cool. That'll be the day we come out to the public."I inform her. She nods and stuffs her mouth with more nachos.

I don't know how it's possible but she looks sexy even while stuffing her face with food.

"The day I'll be known as Calum Hood's new girlfriend."she sighs out exaggerating the word girlfriend. I laugh and sit up.

"We should probably start going out more so they don't take it as a PR stunt."I suggest. She raises an eyebrow and looks down at what she's wearing.

"Looking like this?"she asks after swallowing her mouthful. I laugh at her silliness and shake my head. "No, go get dressed."I say and stand up from the couch. She rolls her eyes.

"Can we wait until tomorrow or something?"she whines. Shaking my head no, I pull her up from the couch and press a small kiss to her forehead. "Go get changed. Now."I say. She groans and starts walking off.

"By the way your body looks amazing in my sweater."I comment on her appearance. She blushes wildly and rolls her eyes. "Shut up, Calum."


"Calum, I don't think it looks right on me."

"Come on out, I bet it looks great on you."I say.

I took Hayley to a dress shop for one since apparently she doesn't own any. Nor does she wear heels. This is about the 4th dress she's tried on.

"Okay, I'm coming out."she sighs and opens the door, stepping out.

Her dress is black and mid thigh. It fits her curves perfectly and every bone in my body wants to rip it off of her. She smiles and runs a hand through her hair. "How do I look?"she asks.

Like a full course meal that I could eat all night-

"You look gorgeous."I smile widely at the girl in front of me, now blushing. "Thanks. So I'm guessing this is the one?"she asks, twirling in it. I widen my eyes, realising how great her butt looks in it.

"Yeah, definitely that one."I nod. She laughs.

"Alright then."she giggles and walks back into the changing room to take it off.



After Calum bought me a dress, heels and some jewellery, we decided to go out to dinner.

On the way, we got stopped by paps but it's nothing we couldn't handle. They just asked a lot of questions and I stayed quiet while Calum answered them.

He basically told them we're dating and my name is Hayley and that's all they need to know.

"So what're you gonna order, giggles?"Calum asks, looking up from his menu. I furrow my eyebrows and laugh lightly. "Did you just call me giggles?"I ask. He shrugs. "It fits you perfectly. You're always giggling or laughing about something."He chuckles.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah okay, cuddly bear Calum."I scoff and continue looking at the menu.

"What'd you call me?"he chuckles. "Cuddly Bear Calum? It's true. 2 days ago you wouldn't let me get up because you wanted to stay and lay in bed all day."I state and stare up at me.

He has an amused look on his face and a laugh blurts from his perfect lips. In no time we're both laughing for no reason.

His laughing calms down and mine stays for a good second before I clear my throat and leave it at a smile. I feel the heat rush to my cheek as I realize he's still staring at me.

"What?"I ask.

"Nothing. You're kinda hot, though."he shrugs before sitting back at picking at the small basket of complimentary chips in front of us.

I feel all the heat rush to my cheeks and I laugh lightly at his words. "Did you just-"

"Call you hot? Yeah."he says and pops a few of the chips into his mouth. I find myself laughing at how casual he is about his words. "Okay."I say and go back to looking at my choices.

"You're looking for too long, I'm choosing for you."he sighs and steals my menu out of my hands. "What? Calum-!"

"Nope, we've been waiting here 10 minutes because you don't know what to get."he laughs. "So? I've never been here before? I've been living off of burgers and Doritos at my house."I inform him.

"Which is why we're gonna get the fish and chips."he decides and sets both our menus to the side. I giggle at him and shake my head. "Whatever, Calum."

"Okay, giggles."he smiles across at me.


Calum follows me into my house, closing the door behind us.

"So. What now?"I sigh out and set the shopping bags on my couch. I turn around and see Calum looking at me with a large smirk printed on his face.


He strides over to me and smashes his lips down on mine, startling me. I slowly melt into it and wrap my arms around his neck. "Mm, earlier I wanted to rip every item of clothing off of you."he murmurs into my neck. It sends chills down my spine.

"So why don't you do it now?"I ask.

"Because,"he stops himself and separates from me with a small frown. "I forgot I have to go meet Luke at the studio. Shit."he groans, coming to realization. I laugh at his forgetfulness. He rolls his eyes.

"I'll see you later, giggles."he sighs and presses a kiss against my cheek. "Okay, Cuddly."I smile.

He rolls his eyes at me and flips me the bird.

"You have already, Mr Hood."I say. He chuckles. "Alright, bye."he says before walking out, leaving me with a large smile on my face.



that's cute as fuck


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