3//"The guys."

137 3 4

((The song for this chapter is fuck me up by gnash :) ))


About 35 questions and 2 painted walls later, Calum and I are sitting side by side on my bed, laughing.

"Don't judge me, I was 7!"I laugh.

"You burned your doll's hair because you thought it would turn red! What kind of child does that?"he laughs and lands himself face down on my pillow. I laugh and sigh, catching my breath.

Both of our laughing dies down and we look at each other.

"Hey, you wanna come over tonight?"he blurts our randomly. "To your house?"

"Yeah. The guys are coming over and I want you to meet them."he says. I nod. "Okay. Well, its 6:30 right now. I should go get ready. And you can...go."I say, standing up and pointing to my door. He laughs and gets up from my bed. "Alright. Wear something casual and I'll see you later, yeah?"he says, placing his hand on my hip.

I slightly jump, unprepared. I nod and smile small. He leans in and presses a swift kiss against my cheek.

Even after he leaves my room and is no longer in the presence of my house, the feeling of his lips on my cheek still lingers.

I sigh and shake my head.

I walk over towards my now filled closet and look through my clothes.

I pick out a simple pair of ripped jeans and my white crop top. I take the clothes and make my way to my bathroom to get ready for the night.


I sit down in the middle of Luke and Michael while Ashton plays with Duke. Michael and Luke are playing fifa while I wait for Hayley to come over.

"Dude, I swear, you're cheating!"Michael laughs out. "No, I'm just winning."Luke laughs and nudges me. I pull my phone out of my pocket, about to text Hayley. I see it's 8:37.

How long do girls actually take?

Just then there's a knock at my door causing my stomach to drop. I get up with a small smile. "Be right back."I announce. The two on the couch nod but Ashton looks up at me with a questioning glance.

I walk to my door and swing it open to see Hayley standing there with a small smile.

"Hey Cal."she waves slightly. "Hey."I say and open the door wider and step aside to let her in.

I look her up and down, noticing her ripped jeans that fit her in all the right places. Oh and that crop top? My main goal is to have it on the floor by the end of the night.

She clears her throat and looks away quickly. I laugh at her shyness and take her hand. "Come meet the guys."I say and walk her to my living room where the guys sit in the same places as before.

"Guys, this is Hayley."I say. They all look up. Michael and Luke's eyes widen and their jaws drop. Ashton smiles and waves. "Hey Hayley."he says with a small grin and looks at me. "This is Hayley? Wow, nice job."Michael jokes.

"Hayley this is Michael, Luke and you've met Ashton."I point them out. She nods and waves.

"Want a drink?"I ask her. She looks at me with a wide grin. "Do you have beer?"she asks, slightly excited.

She's a keeper.



3 beers and 2 rounds of winning Fifa against Luke later and we're all in Calum's backyard around a campfire.

"Mate... am I the only one who sees a frog?"Ashton giggles out and points at a spot on the ground. We all look at the ground and confused, look back up at him. "Okay, I think that's enough to drink for you."Michael laughs and takes his 5th beer away from him.

We all laugh. "What time is it?"Luke asks, rubbing his eyes. I lift my phone into my hands and look down at it with wide eyes. "Geez, it's 12:42."I answer. "Ah shit. I have to get home. Michael grab the doofus, you're the only one close enough to sober here."Luke says and stands up.

Michael wraps an arm around a highly giggly Ashton and starts dragging him with him. "Alright Cal, we'll see you later. It was nice meeting you Hayley!"Michael smiles. I wave. "Bye guys!"I smile back. Luke waves before following the guys back into the house.

I look over to Calum who's now sitting with a smirk on his face. "And then there were two."he chuckles. I laugh and grab my beer bottle before taking another swig of the horrible tasting drink.

"How many of those have you had?"he asks, sitting up. "I dunno. 4."I shrug.

"I think that's enough."he laughs and takes the drink from me and standing up. I roll my eyes and stand up with him. "I can hold down my drinks, Calum."I state.

"Eh, doesn't mean you won't have a horrible hangover in the morning."he says as we start walking back into the house.

He shuts the door behind us and tosses the drinks in the garbage.

I lean against the counter and watch in awe as he stretches his arms, flexing his back muscles. He laughs lightly and looks over to me with an eyebrow raised. "Like what you see?"he asks. I shrug. "A little."I joke.

He laughs and walks over to me and sets his hands on either side of me, trapping me between his arms. His head dips in my neck and presses a small kiss before he leans up to my ear. "I really like this shirt on you...but I think it would look better on the floor."he whispers, making my insides do backflips.

I wrap my arms around his neck and press a kiss to his jawline. He slides a hand down my waist and in between my legs. I gasp slightly at the feeling and I'm immediately shut up by his lips being pressed down on mine.

I melt into his lips and wrap my arms around him.


"Yeah?"he breathes out and separates for a second. I look into his eyes and smile.

"Are you planning on making out in your kitchen or did you wanna have sex?"I whisper and trail my hand down his chest. He smirks and smashes his lips down on mine.




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