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((A/N- ^^thats Nia{MY FUCKING QUEEN I LOVE HER} also the song for this chapter is Bored by Billie Eilish))


I'm fixing the threading on the dress that hangs on my mannequin.

Gracie sits on my bed, looking through the catalogs for new material. "What colours did you need again?"she asks. "Uh, I'm pretty sure it was rose gold and midnight black."I say and continue seeing new string into the seams.

"Okay, I'll order two bundles each. Sound good?"she asks. I nod. "How much are they?"

"70 bucks a bundle."she sighs. I nod. "That's fine."I say and continue. She lifts her phone into her hands before going to order them.

My phone rings, causing me to jump and look down at it.

Cal-Pal😋 is printed across my screen an my stomach does backflips.

"Hayley, hey."
"Hey, Cal. What's up?"
"Can we talk about last night?"
"Uh... sure, I guess. You can come over or whatever."
"Okay. I'll be there in a sec."

I hang up and groan loudly. "What's wrong?"Gracie asks.

"Calum's coming over so we can talk."I answer. She smiles. "Okay, I'll leave to give you guys some space."she smiles. "Where to?"

"Ashton's. He said feel free to go over whenever."she grins and slides her jacket on. I narrow my eyes. "Did I miss something last night?"I mumble. "Nothing. But, Ashton is really cute. But so is Luke. I dunno."she shrugs and sighs with a small smile. I roll my eyes. "Have fun."I murmur, continuing my threading.

The door downstairs slams, causing my eyes to widen and my heart to leap. I turn around and see Gracie is already gone.

Damn it.

There's thumping coming up the stairs. "Hayley?"

He peeks his head around the corner and looks at me with a small smile. "Hey."he says and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I notice he's wearing that comfortable grey sweatshirt that I wore one time.

"Hey. You can...sit on the bed or whatever. I'm almost done."I say, finishing up. He nods and sits at the edge of my bed with a smirk.

"You're really good at designing."he compliments me. I nod. "Thanks."

I finish and turn around to face him. His hair is a mess. His eyes have hope in them. His face has beauty written all over it.


He takes off his sweatshirt and throws it on the floor. "So, I wanted to say sorry if I came off too strong last night. I know, it seems like I'm shitting you but I do like you Hayley."he says with a small smile. It happens again.

My heart drops.
My palms become moist.
My knees are now jelly.
My intestines have turned to mush.
My pulse is racing.

"And, if you'll let me... I'd love to get a chance to actually get to know you."he asks. "Like a date?"

"Yeah. A date. Will you?"he asks and chews on his bottom lip nervously. I look away to the sweatshirt on the floor.

Hayley, come on! Say yes!

I rack through my brain for any reason not to say yes. Of course, nothing pops up.

"Okay. Sure."I answer with a small smile. He chuckles softly and smiles. "Great. I can't wait."he says and stands up before walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist. My arms instantly wrap around his neck and a smile is placed on my face.

"Neither can I."I whisper.

He presses down his lips on mine and my breath is immediately taken away. I flutter my eyes closed and lean into the kiss. He smiles and runs his hand from my wait to my jawline. He deepens the kiss and turns us around so that my knees hit the edge of the bed.

"Mm, Cal-"I separate our lips. He looks at me and smiles. "Yeah?"

"I like you too."I admit. He smiles and lets a small laugh leave his lips. "Good."he mumbles before kissing me again.

I run my hands through his hair and tug at it lightly, causing him to moan into the kiss. He lays me down and hovers above me before taking his shirt off and smashing his lips back into mine.

I allow my hands to roam his body, feeling all over him. He slides his hands under my shirt, making me shiver. He laughs at my actions and I blush. "Your hands are cold."I whisper. "Sorry, so is your skin."he smiles. He fiddles with the hem of my shirt and presses another soft kiss against my lips.

We're interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing coming from his pockets. I sigh in disappointment as he separates his body from mine and picks up his phone.

"Hello?....oh, hey Nia.....uh, yeah."

Nia? I thought they broke up?

"I'm just at Hayley's right now....yeah, Hayley.....I mean, I'm kind of busy- okay... I know, Nia, I know.....okay, I'll be there in a few."he sighs and hangs up.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Nia?"

"It's not like that, babe. Trust me. She's just calling me because her band is at a board meeting and she's the only who has my number."he assures me. I nod slowly. "Okay."I mumble and look away.

I believe Calum...Nia however, she seems kinda sketchy.

He lifts my chin to look at him. "Hayley, I promise you, nothing is going on with us anymore. I broke up with her. I only want you."he reassures me. I nod and feel a small smile pull at my lips. He smiles and kisses me small.

"I'll see you later today, okay?"he says. I nod and watch him slip his shirt back on. I smile.

He kisses my head and walks out, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

My heart hurts a little for some reason.

What if Nia is able to lure him back in? He wanted her once, he'll probably want her again. I just don't wanna get my hopes up.

I look around and spot Calum's sweatshirt. He left it.

I smile and pick it up, throwing it on. His smell engulfs my nostrils and I almost choke. I find myself laughing and hugging it to my body.



that's cute as fuck, they finally have feelings for each other :)

lolololol smut coming soon.


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