53//You're Here

46 1 1

((A/N- the song for this chapter is Almost Is Never Enough by Ariana Grande))


It's been exactly five and a half months since Lily was born, and she just gets cuter every passing day.

Gracie and I have redone the house, so now everything is baby proofed, the cleaning supplies are put up high where she can't reach them, the outlets and electric sockets have covers, and all sharp things are out of reach.

I still receive calls from Ashton everyday, he's still like the goofball brother I've never had. He keeps telling me that Calum wants to meet up with me and meet Lily but I don't want to. I'm happy with the way things are arranged right now.

We stay out of each other's ways, we go on living happily separated.

I heard him and Nia were engaged and getting married in a month or two anyways, so what's the point of bugging me?

"Hayley, it's a call from Calum."Gracie shouts over the sound of the washing machine. I wave a hand, telling her to answer it for me while I continue to unload the dirty clothes.

She walks away and presses the phone to her ear.

Lily's rattle is heard and I turn around. I see her in her bouncer, smiling over at me from across the room. I smile and wave a hand at my baby.

"Hi sweet pea! Mommy's almost done with the laundry and then you have her all to yourself, yeah?"I say loudly. She shrieks and jumps around in the seat. I giggle at her adorableness and shut the washing machine after putting detergent into it.

I dry off my hands and walk towards my daughter, lifting her into my hands. "Hey there, pretty girl."I sigh out and smile. She giggles and softly sets her head against my chest, making my heart melt into pieces.

"Awwwh,"I gasp and smile before setting a hand on her back, rubbing softly. "You're so precious."

Gracie come in the room and groans before placing my phone on the table. "Douchebags."she murmurs. "What's wrong?"I ask.

She looks to me with a nervous smile. "Nothing, nothings wrong."she lies. I narrow my eyes. "So what did Calum say this time?"I sigh out, dropping the subject. "Well, he-"

The door bell rings, making us both stop.

I hold Lily close to me as I slowly walk to the front door.

I swing it open and-

am I dreaming or am I dead? Is this really happening right now?

"Hey Hayley,"he smiles and takes off his hat. "I'm home."

I feel tears brim my eyes and a laugh falls from my mouth. My free arm brings in Jackson for a tight hug. He wraps both of his arms around Lily and I tightly.

"You're here, ohmygod-"I choke on my tears and laugh. He wipes them from my cheeks and looks at Lily with awe. "Is this Lily?"he whispers softly with smile. I nod vigorously.

"Say hi daddy!"I say for Lily and wave her tiny hand at him. She perks up and squeals at him, making us both laugh. He takes her into his hands carefully, as if she's a fragile porcelain doll.

I smile in awe and let him in the house, grabbing his bags and bringing them in with us.

I close the door and follow him into the living room. Grace smiles when she sees Jackson. "Well, well, well! If it isn't the former butthole- Jackson!"she laughs. He smiles at her.

"Hey Gracie, how ya been?"he asks as she pulls him in for a brief hug. "I've been good, thanks. I see you've met Lily."she chuckles and tickles at Lily's stomach, causing her to erupt in giggles.

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