26//So Maybe I'm Not Okay

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((A/N- iM CRYING, iTs the pOOr baBy CaLUm's pOV alSO the sOng for this chapter is hell is where i dreamt of you and woke up alone by blackbear))


My head pounds in pain as I open my eyes from my slumber.

Short clips of last night run through my mind.

"I'm the reason you're staying back and it's selfish of me to let you stay here. You need to go-!"I stop, choking up on my tears. Hayley stands in front of me, I can see the denial in her eyes.

I shake my head, it throbs from trying to recover the sad memories. I look to the side and see a water bottle and two asprin.

"I'll be right back."she mumbles sadly and walks out of the room, omg to return with two small pills and a water bottle. I lie on the bed, trying to keep my eyes open and failing miserably.

I whimper as the memories from last night flood my mind, hurting me physically and emotionally.

I take the stupid pills and swallow them down with the now warm water. I notice a small note on the side. I lift it into my hands and rub the sleep from my eyes, attempting to clear my vision up.

         last night you were drunk and i know why. you couldn't get yourself to tell me to leave while sober so you did it drunk. i know, you wanted me to leave but you couldn't get yourself to tell me that-

So, she got the message? Of course, she did. She knows me well enough. I continue reading the note-

      -you kept telling me that you're selfish for wanting me to stay, and i admit i'm a little selfless for wanting to stay just for you. but we both know i had to go. you probably won't be awake in time but my plane leaves at 9:30.

i love you, Calum. i promise you, this isn't the end. i'm sure we can just skype or something, or just call. i'll even try to visit for spring/winter breaks.

i miss you already,
-your giggles xox

I place the note down and look down at my phone. It's only 9:10.

I widen my eyes.

I still have 20 minutes.
I can meet her at the airport-

Before I can finish my thoughts, I'm standing from the bed and sliding off the sweatpants I once wore and putting on my jeans from last night.

I look in my mirror and quickly shake around my hair, not caring about it much. I have a shirt on, so that's fine.

I slip on my black vans and quickly grab my car keys from the nightstand.

I look down at my phone for the time.


I quickly get into my car and start it, pulling out of the driveway.


"Flight #23 C is leaving in approximately fifteen minutes, flight #23 C is leaving in fifteen minutes."they call over the intercom. I sigh and stand from my seat with my bags in my hands.

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