39//This Is So Wrong

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((A/N- lololol y'all are gunna hate me for this chapter and the song for this chapter is wRoNg by ZAYN [LIKEEE YESSS ZADDY AF]))


It's been 2 hours since the party's started and more people have started showing up.

About 56 people total, yes I've counted.

Everyone's having fun, music is blasting and people are drinking, talking, having a good time- everyone but me.

My main goal is to kiss Hayley by the end of the night- preferably underneath the mistletoe- and to see if she still feels the same. However, that's not really working so far. I can't seem to find her.

"Hey, Cal!"

I turn my head and grip my cup at the sight of the girl.

"Oh, hey Nia!"I smile down at her. "How ya been? It feels like I haven't talked to you in ages!"she grins up at me.

It's only been a week.

"Yeah, I'm good, how are you?"I ask, indifferently. I look over her head, looking around for Hayley. "I'm good, thanks."she says. Her eyes follow to where mine are and a look of realization washes over her face.

"Oh, are you looking for Hayley?"she asks, flatly. I nod slowly and look back at her.

"I saw her out back with Mali and Ashton."she tells me. I nod and smile, softly setting a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks Nia,"I pause and smile down at her genuinely "You're a great friend."


"You totally still love my brother!"Mali laughs hysterically before lightly slapping my hand. "No, I don't."I deny.

"Oh, come on, Hayes. It's so obvious! You guys keep going on acting like it's not true but it is, you love him!"Michael urges.

I take a long sip from my apple juice.

"It's inevitable that you guys will get married one day, anyways-"

I choke on my drink at Michael's words. With wide eyes, I snap my head at him.

"No, Michael, there is no way that I could get married to him! Less than 12 hours ago he was beating up my boyfriend!"I exclaim. Mali and Michael exchange looks before looking back at me.

"How much do you like the boy?"

"Who, Jackson?"

"Yeah, him."

"I like him a lot-"

"Even after what he did?"Michael asks, slightly worried. I shrug, shamefully. I can feel the heat cover my cheeks.

"It was a mistake, he didn't mean it."I mumble and take another drink of my apple juice, chugging it gone.

Mali and Michael exchange another look, a look of pity.

"Hayes, look-"

"I'm going to go get more apple juice."I excuse myself before standing up and walking back inside the house and striding right back into the kitchen.

The three bottles stand on the counter, apple juice, lemonade, vodka, beer, and wine.

Who brought the lemonade and vodka?

My eyes examine the tall bottle.

Never tried it before, why not now?

My hands fiddle around and skim the top of the bottle.

Should you really be drinking? Well, it is a party, however. Why not?

I quickly remove the lid of the bottle of vodka before pouring just a few shots of it in my cup. Just enough to fill the bottom of the cup.

I hastily put the lid back on the drink and grab the lemonade, pouring some of it into the cup.

"Hey, beautiful."

I jump slightly and turn my head to only be relieved.

"Calum. Hi."I raise the cup to my lips and swallow hard, feeling the burning sensation run down my throat.

"Can we talk?"he clears his throat and I can see him visibly grip his cup.

"About what?"I ask out of confusion.

He looks around and grab my hand before practically dragging me with him up the stairs. I follow him in mystery and raise an eyebrow. He trips up on one of the stairs and slightly laughs.

"Calum, what're you doing?"I ask.

He takes us into his bedroom and closes the door behind us. I can feel my stomach drop to my feet.

Oh shit.


Before I can finish my sentence, his lips are pressed up against mine.

Oh God, I've missed this-

Out of instinct my lips press back up against his, I set my cup down on the nearby dresser. His hands find their way to link into mine and his teeth nibble down on my bottom lip-

Oh, yes-

My hands disconnect from his to finally weave through his hair while his attach to my sides as his thumbs rub deep circles into my hips.

His tongue presses up against my lips, begging for entrance and that's when it all hits me-

"Calum, stop."I choke out the words after I separate our lips. He manages to reopen his eyes and looks down at me with confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! Calum, you can't just kiss me!"

"Well, I just did."

I facepalm out of frustration and run am angry hand through my hair. "Calum, I have a boyfriend!"

"A boyfriend who's a complete and total dick, honestly I don't see why you're even with him."he scoffs and takes my cup from the dresser, taking a sip of it and widening his eyes.

"He's not a dick-"

"Is there alcohol in this?"the words fall from his mouth with surprise. I shrug and take it from him, chugging down about half of it and nearly choking.

"Wow, look at you,"he smirks at me and crosses his arms. "Miss-Badass-Hayley has remade an appearance."

I roll my eyes and set the cup back down.

His lips felt so good, I wanna do it again-

"Fuck it, who cares about Jackson?"he spits out the words like venom.

Before I can process what he's talking about, he's taking off his shirt and our lips are molded together again.

He detaches our lips and leans into my ear before sliding his hands to the back of my thighs, sending chills down my spine.

"Up, babygirl."

My eyes flutter shut in pure bliss as his words come out and I follow his commands.

He carries me to the bed, where our lips come back together.

This is so wrong.


A/N- idk if i feel like putting smut in the next chapter or not, we'll see (•_•)


Sweet Neighbor; cthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon