23//"would you get your head out of your-"

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((A/N- okay try and keep up with this chapter. It's a bit messy- also, the song is Turn Your Face by Little Mix))

-3rd person POV

It had been a whole 24 hours since Calum and Hayley had seen each other.

Hayley was a crying mess, hadn't had a shower, was wearing sweatpants and Calum's sweater. The one that smells just like him. She was convinced he was going to break up with her. He hadn't texted her back, returned any of her calls, and she had automatically assumed it was over.

Calum, on the other hand, was just plain angry. He had purposely ignored every single one of her texts and calls. Ashton, Luke and Michael had visited him but all he would tell them was that he didn't want to talk about it and he didn't want to see Hayley. It hurt him.

"Mate, she could be leaving tomorrow."Michael sighs out, sitting down beside his friend who sits on the couch in front of a blank TV screen.

"I know... she was planning on leaving from the beginning."Calum sighs out as his heart aches at the thought of her.

Her smile. It's been fake all along.

"No, she wasn't, Calum. If you were listening last night and if you stayed so she could explain, she didn't want to go. She completely forgot about college. She never planned on just up and leaving."Luke explained to his heartbroken friend.

Calum shook his head in disbelief.

"I can't even think about her, man. I just... can't right now, okay?"

Calum stands from the couch and trudges upstairs to his room. His feet drag him over to his bed and he flops flat on it.

He breathes in the sheets and whimpers-

They smell like her.

His phone vibrates several times, causing him to look over at it.



don't ignore me

i know you're seeing these

i don't know what to do, cal. i don't want to pass up an opportunity like this but i don't want to leave

i don't want to leave you

His heart shattered yet again at the words printed on his phone screen.

Calum truly doesn't want Hayley to leave. He wants to be with her, he want to be kissing her, he want to have her wrapped in his arms, he wants nothing more than to just be with her.

But it just wouldn't be the same.

Hayley, meanwhile, was in her room. Going through clothes that Calum had left by accident and eating cookies n' cream ice cream straight from the container whilst sad music was playing.

Dreams by Fleetwood Mac blared through her speaker as she sadly sang along to whilst stuffing her face with more ice cream and crying.

She sat on the hard floor, staring at his clothes.

Her door swung open but she ignored it and continued to stuff her face and attempt to stop crying.

The music was paused and all that was heard was her small sobs.


She looked up to see her best friend looking at her with sympathy. "Hayes, come here."she sighs out. Her heartbroken best friend shook her head and continued to shove ice cream into her mouth.

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