27//The Phone Call.

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((A/N- the song for this this chapter is Fuck Feelings by Olivia O'brien))

-3rd Person POV

Three months. Two weeks. Five days. Seventeen hours. Twenty-two minutes.

It's been that long since Calum and Hayley have parted ways.

It's been that long since Calum's started smoking again and having drinking problems.

It's been that long since Hayley's started having sleeping problems while overworking herself to distract her thoughts from Calum.

Upon Hayley's return to New York, she decided that Yale is where she was going. It's not too far from where her parents live, considering they lived right near the border of New York. They said that's the best plan, so she's not too far in case something happens.

She left Australia in the fall, right when the fall was starting up in America. Which she was perfectly fine with. She had two weeks for school shopping and then school started up for her.

As winter came onto Australia, it got colder and Calum was wishing he had someone to hold onto in the harsh weather. He missed Hayley, horribly. But he knew, long distance would never work between them.

Still, he longed for Hayley and loved her.

He called her twice a month after the split.

She never answered, of course.

They were both hurt. Calum has good intentions with the split, he wants her to focus on herself and her success. He knew that Hayley would constantly think about him so he did the thing he thought was best. He just didn't think the results would hurt this much.

Gracie would always Skype Hayley. They would talk all the time about everything. She learned that Luke and Gracie had finally said they loved each other. She had congratulated him and even gave him a stern lecture. Any time Calum would come around during a call, one of them would hang up for the greater good.

Of course, Gracie would update Calum about how she is. He wouldn't stop asking.

It nearly broke him when Gracie told him that Hayley didn't want to see him. She was angry, sad, upset, disappointed, and she missed him. He understood.

Now, Hayley studies for her midterms, in her dorm. She gets one to herself since it's too small for two people.

"An essay must have an introduction with a thesis that has at least 3 supporting details..."she scribbles down into her notes, reading them off of the study guide email a classmate sent her.

The familiar Marimba ringtone blared through her phone, causing her to frustratedly look away from her notes and see a once familiar phone number.

Who's number was this? she thought. I know it's not... Calum.

She answers the number and holds the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Hayley! You answered!"

She smiles sadly at the voice, knowing who it was.

"Hey Ashton."she let a giggle fall from her lips.

"How are you? Why haven't you called us or anything? We've been worried sick about our little miss sunshine!"

"I'm doing good, sorry I haven't called. I'm just caught up in all the school work right now. I've talked to Gracie, though. She's telling me you guys are thinking about going on tour?"

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