36//Trust? What's that?

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((A/N- lol i lied, the fight is in the next chapter but there's an argument here- and also the song for this chapter is Think Before I Talk by Astrid S ))


"What the hell were you two doing in a bathroom alone together?!"

"Jackson, please, calm down and-"

"Don't tell me to calm down! You were in there with him alone, what were you guys doing?! Tell me!"Jackson shouts angrily.

I close my bedroom door and take his hand-

"Don't, Hayley. Just tell me."he snaps and snatches away from me.

My eyebrows furrow together in hurt.

"If you're thinking that we kissed, we didn't! We were just talking, Jackson! I told you I'm moving on from him! Do you really not trust me?"I ask quietly, getting a little angry.

"Oh no, don't try to turn this around on me! You're the one who was locked in bathroom with your ex boyfriend for 20 minutes! What were you two even talking about?"he asks.

Oop, he caught you there-

"N-nothing, he was just apologizing for things he did and talking to me about how he, um, misses me and stuff."I fumble over my words. He narrows his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Something tells me you're not telling the whole truth."he growls.

"Okay, fine, ya wanna know what he said? Fine! He told me he wants me back and he misses me! He told me that he's still in love with me and he never stopped! He asked me why I'm with you and you know what I said? I told him that you make me happy, Jackson! I defended you! I told him that you wouldn't hurt me and that you make me happy! I told him that I've moved on because that's what I'm actually doing! Trying to move on! But I can't do that if you don't even fucking trust me!"I find myself yelling.

"How am I supposed to trust you when you're going around and making excuses for him and wearing his shirts and being in a fucking bathroom with him alone?! You're making it hard for me to even be here when I can see you and Calvin always looking at each other from across the room!"

Calvin? Seriously?

"Okay, first of all; it's Calum. Two, I've never made excuses for him! Thirdly, the only reason I have this shirt is because it was in my closet! I grabbed the first thing I saw! Also, I was only in there with him to talk! And we don't look at each other all the time, what the hell are you talking about?!"

Jackson strides towards me and stands in my face, close. Intimidating, even.

"Never made excuses? When we got into a fight you mostly stuck up for who? Calum. I have plenty of shirt you can wear, but who's are you wearing? Calum's. You guys could have talked in a living room but instead I find you upstairs, alone, together, with who? Calum. When we were watching movies or playing games, I find you looking at who? Calum."he fumes.

I can see his eyes glaze over with anger and something that snaps- it scares me.

"Jackson, look-"

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