47//Want You Back.

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((A/N- yOU SEE THE TITLE YOU ALREADY KNOW— imma fuck up ur feelings m8 :)) lolol You CaN tELL the sONG FOR THIS CHAPTER IS Want You Back by 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER YEEEEYYY))


After getting home, after the dinner party, I immediately went to my room and finished packing my bags.

The girls urged to help me but I told them I was going to get some sleep afterwards.

However, I really just wanna be alone. I need some time to myself.

Tomorrow morning, everyone will be getting their Christmas presents and then I'll be leaving an hour later. Everything is all planned out. I don't wanna stay longer than I have to, it'll make it harder for me to leave.

After taking a long and much needed hot shower, I get dressed into my sweatpants and a tank top before climbing into my cold bed.

As I close my eyes to rest my mind, it decides to scan over old but still fresh memories of Calum and I-

"You what?"

"I said... I think I like you, Hayley."he whispers and sits down beside me. I let out a small laugh. "Really?"

"Yeah... You're all I ever see, even when I'm not around you. You're all I ever think about and I just...can't get my mind off of you."he says softly and takes my hand.

My heart aches at the memory. I couldn't believe that he would like me. I thought it was all about the sex, and it was getting to his head.

But it was true, he really did like me.

And I liked him back.

Oh God. Here I am in my bed, thinking about him. No matter what, I'm always going to want him.

"You have morning breath."he complains. "So do you, also you snore a lot."I shoot back before sitting up. He laughs and shrugs. "Yeah, well you slobber a lot."he says and cocks his head back. "You love my saliva, so shut up."I shrug and get out of the bed.

He was someone I could truly be myself around, we could joke about anything with each other.

I would wake up every morning and smile because of him.

I was truly falling for him.

"You know I wasn't even thinking about it right?" I paused to sniffle and look up at him. "The only things in my life I was worried about was my designs and us. B-but now I don't know what to do. I want to stay here, with you, and Gracie, and the guys.... but Harvard and Yale? They're the biggest colleges. But I know if I were to leave, all I would do is think about you."

-and that was the moment when I knew for a fact that I was in love with him. He was everything I needed and wanted.

I didn't want anything but him, and if it was something without him I didn't want it.

I feel tears rolling down my cheeks, after reminiscing over the small moments with Calum that I once had but will never have again, and I'll forever cherish.

He's with Nia now, and he's with her for good. There's nothing I can do. He saw that what we had once could never be repaired and he decided to move on.

I understand.

I find myself wiping my wet eyes and sniffling before cuddling into my pillow and shutting my eyes closed once more.

"Okay, I see. Just know that I'm always going to wait for you, Hayley. Just like I said in the text, I don't care if it takes a decade. I'll wait."he tells me. My heart aches to just push my lips against his but I refuse.

He takes my hands and he presses kisses against my knuckles, and with every one, I feel more at home and I miss it.

"I love you, I'll never stop."he reminds me in a hushed tone. I finally look up into his eyes, seeing how serious he is. "I know."I speak.

He said he would wait for me but I know he couldn't.

That's like telling someone to wait for a boat to arrive at an airport. It could never happen.

I can't help it, though. I'm always gonna want Calum. I'm always gonna want him, I will always longs for his arms to be wrapped around me and to fall asleep on his chest at night, and to be with him. I'm always going to want to be with him.

I roll over to my side and find my eyelids getting heavier.

Crying really does tire a person out.


"That was fun! We should go out more- sike, I'm just kidding. Could you hand me one of your shirts?"Nia laughs out, getting undressed from her outfit of the night.

I remove my tux and remain in my underwear before tossing her my large black shirt from the bed. I climb into the comforter and sigh.

"So what happened with Hayley?"I ask, curiously. She shrugs lightly whilst putting the shirt on and slides into bed next to me. "She said her steak was a little too rare and that she felt fine."Nia answers with indifference. I nod slowly.

I hope she's okay-

"May, Grace, and I were all asking if she wanted us to help her finish packing but she said she was just gonna hurry up and do it and get some sleep. Speaking of, we should do the same."she smiles up at me and presses a soft kiss to my lips. I smile at the feeling and kiss her back lightly.

"Goodnight, Cal."

She rolls on her side after flicking off the lamp light and lays down. I wrap my arms around her and shuffle into her back.

It's just not the same as how it feels with Hayley.

Hayley's leaving tomorrow, there's nothing I can do. Plus, I'm happy with Nia-

Happy? Or just satisfied?

I groan mentally at my inner thoughts and shut my eyes closed.

Her face appears in my mind, like it always does. Her bright smile, those beautiful brown eyes, the nose crinkle she gets when she smiles. The way a few strands would find their way to fall in her face with ease.

She's absolutely stunning.

She's absolutely not mine.

And as much as it pains me to say it, she never will be again. I'm with Nia now, and she's leaving back to New York. It's time to face facts; Hayley and I just weren't meant to be. But I can't help that-

I want her back.






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