34//Who's Shirt?

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((A/N- THIS CHAPTER IS ONLY THE BEGINNING- CHAPTERS 34-39 ARE ALL THE SAME DAY OKAY?? alSO UhM the song for this chapter is Lovefool by The Cardigans))


I woke up this morning with Jackson's arms wrapped tightly around me and a large smile on my face. But for all the wrong reasons.

Before I can even open my eyes fully, Jackson's head sneaks into the crook of my neck and his lips press soft kisses on my cheek, making giggles fall from my lips.

"Good morning, sunshine."he whispers, sending chills down my spine.

Nothing like the chills Calum would give-

"Morning."I smile and turn my body towards the shirtless, blue-eyed boy. "How did you sleep?"I query. He gives me a lop sided grin and runs his hands down my sides. "I slept wonderful, and you?"he returns the question. I shrug. "The same as you."I fib.

I dreamt of Calum, and I liked it, sadly.

What Jackson doesn't know won't hurt him. He'll be fine.

"Should we go get some breakfast?"I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning up towards his lips. "I would love to."he mumbles before colliding our lips together, a small smile present on both of our faces.

Yeah, but your smile isn't real. You're still thinking about Ca-

I separate and stare up at the clueless, beautiful, pretty-eyed boy. "Do you enjoy my morning breath?"I ask, laughing slightly. He shrugs. "Not really but I don't care about it if I'm kissing you."he claims with a small smirk. I roll my eyes and laugh before sitting up.

Calum loves your morning breath-

"Get up, Russet. I'm starving and want food in my stomach."I say and stand from the bed. "Hold up, just let me enjoy the view."he comments.

I realize I'm only wearing my under garments and one of Calum's old shirts. I must've thrown it on last night and not saw what it looked like.

Right, and we're just gonna assume that you didn't purposely put on your ex boyfriend's shirt because you miss him. Right.

"Oh, hush."I argue jokingly. He chuckles softly and gets up from the bed. "Who's shirt is that, anyways? It goes down to your thigh, so it can't be yours."he questions with a raised eyebrow.

Oop, you're caught-

"Uh, I don't remember. It was in my closet so I just grabbed it."I half lie. We all know which part was the lie.

Jackson and I proceeded downstairs to meet everyone in the kitchen, awake and eating pancakes and eggs that Ashton's cooked. We all sat at the large table, together as a group. I sat between Jackson and Michael, with Ashton at the head. Across from Michael was Gracie, beside her was Calum and beside him was Ashton.

"I forgot how good you cooked,"I pause to stuff my face with more pancakes and look to Ashton as he grins. "I missed it."I smile and continue eating. "Thanks, Hayes. Gracie says she hates it-"

"I don't hate it, I just hate the fact that you're using all of the food in my fridge."she chuckles and goes back to eating. "Yeah, whatever."he denies.

"Who's shirt are you wearing?"

I look up to where the voice came from and feel my cheeks go up in flames. Calum.

Oh, the shirt? Yeah, it's yours.

"Oh, uh, I can't remember."I lie straight to his face. He knows it's his shirt. He smirks, knowingly, and pushes his food around his plate.

"Well, it looks almost identical to a shirt that I had once. It came up missing though, so I wouldn't know."he observes with a cocky smirk. I can feel Jackson tense up beside me.

"Calum, don't."Ashton cautions.

"I'm not doing anything, just wondering where the shirt came from-"

"Well, last night I was too tired to go through my bags so I grabbed the first thing I saw in my closet and put it on, so..."I trail off and begin shoving food into my mouth, nervously.

Calum stares me down with his brown, chocolatey eyes- for what feels like an eternity- before opening his plump lips and letting words flow from them.

"It's fine, Hayley. You can keep the shirt."Calum smiles, genuinely yet oh-so-falsely, at me. "It always looked better on you anyways."

The sound of Ashton coughing on his eggs, Michael sipping on his orange juice and Luke wheezing are followed by the sounds of Gracie laughing and me choking on my pancakes.

He did not just say that-

I stand from the table and slowly swallow down my food before clearing my throat with a flushed feeling.

That stupid smirk of satisfaction stays plastered on his face.

"Uh, well, Ashton the breakfast was great but if you would let me, I need to go to the bathroom."I excuse myself and slide past Jackson and Michael before speedily walking up the stairs and dashing into the bathroom.

That fucking look in his eyes, they looked so familiar and they give me a feeling in my stomach that I haven't felt in so long-

You want him.

Ugh, and that smirk on his lips, the way he new just what he was doing to me. He knew he was making me feel uneasy.

You really want him.

His hair, oh my, I just want to run my fingers through his curls and just pull his head down towards mine and-

You're getting a little thirsty now, Hayley.

His hands, I want his hands to roam my body the same way they did in my dreams, I want his hands to go the places they used to-

Thirst bucket as fuck.

His voice, it can make me melt inside and out, I can still hear the way he used to whisper in my ear sweet little nothings and the would tear me up in the best way-

Bitch, you're parched.

I can't believe I'm admitting this but- I think I might still want Ca-

There's a knocking on the door that interrupts my thoughts.

"Uh, who is it?"I ask and open the door anyways, immediately regretting it.

I can feel myself getting more antsy by the second.

He stands there with a small smile, his eyes trained on my lips and flickering back to my eyes, and his hair a complete mess.

Oh God, it's him-

"Hey giggles."Calum smiles innocently at me.


Calum you little shit, causing trouble :))))

i love him tho lololol


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