16//The Men's Bathroom-

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((A/N- lololol where have i been? the song for this chapter is XO by Beyoncé))


We arrive at the Carnival and see people everywhere. We bought our admission tickets and tokens back at the front. I begged Calum to just stay near the food area but he insisted we go on a few rides.

"How about the tea cups?"Gracie asks, pointing to a ride with spinning tea cups with people inside them, screaming. I shrug. I feel a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around.

My eyes light up at the tall curly headed boy. "Ashton! Hey!"I smile and jump my arms around him. He laughs and hugs me back, lifting me into the air slightly. "How ya been, Hayz."he smiles and pulls apart to look me in the eyes. "I've been well, how are you?"I ask. "Great, thanks."he smiles and sets me back down. Ashton's greeted by Gracie with a large hug next. I see Calum slightly tense up.

"Where's my hug?"

I look behind Ashton to see the red headed boy with a small frown. I smile and hug him as well. "Hey Mikey!"I laugh. He squeezes the life out of me. "Mikey- Can't- BreAThe-!"

He gently sets me back down and lets me go with a wide smile. "Hey, babe, could you come here really quick?"Calum says to me.

I look over and see him blushing slightly. I walk over to him and take his hand. "What's up?"

"Come to the bathroom with me really quick?"he suggests. I shrug and I'm immediately tugged with him towards the bathroom stalls. He whimpers under his breath and pulls me into the male restrooms.


Before I can finish my sentence, Calum's lips are pressed roughly against mine. "You're such a tease."he whispers. I feel my eyebrows knit as well as my mind filled with confusion.


"These jeans. They fit you perfectly. I wanna rip them off of you."he grumbles under his breath, playing with the hem of my tight blue jeans, that do indeed fit me well.

"Calum, we're in a men's restroom of a carnival. Have you lost your mind?"

"Maybe, maybe not."he smirks and runs his hands lightly up my back. He presses small kisses down my jawline and slowly progressing to my neck in all the sweet spots. I feel my stomach do backflips and my knees threaten to turn to jelly. "Cal, stop."I whisper. He sucks on a single spot in the crook of my neck, whilst I'm trying to suppress a moan.

"Are you sure?"he whispers seductively in my ear as he begins to skim his fingers right above my bra. I nibble on my bottom lip and lightly push him away. He quickly presses his lips against mine again and I melt into his kiss as my fingers find themselves weaving through his hair.


"Yes, I'm sure."I clear my throat and regain my confidence. He smirks at me and wipes the remaining residue from my lipstick off of his lip. He slowly strides back towards me and wraps both hands around my hips and squeezes them softly. "When we get back to the house,"he pauses and leans into my ear.

"I'm going to make you scream my name."he whispers and detached himself from me.

I feel my stomach drop and my knees go weak. My eyes are wide and the heat has rushed to my cheeks. He shoots me a wink before taking my hand and dragging us back out of the bathroom.

I place a fake smile on my face and act like nothing happened.


"6 tickets for the ferris wheel, please."Michael says, handing twelve dollars to the older lady. She rolls out 6 tickets and gives us each one. We get in the short line.

"Okay, who's riding with who?"Ashton asks.

Calum quickly wraps an arm around me and discretely slides a finger down the sides of my pants. "I can't wait to get you alone."he whispers in my ear. I gulp down hard and smile at Gracie while she's looking at Luke. "Gracie! I'm going with you!"I speak. She tears her gaze away from her lover and looks at me with confusion. "You don't wanna go with Ca-"

"Forget Luke and Calum, it's you and me bestie!"I say with a wide smile. She shrugs and smiles, detaching herself from Luke. "Okay."she says and takes my hand.

I look at Calum who's now glaring at me with annoyance. I smile innocently.

"I guess we're going together."Luke says to Calum. He shrugs and nods. Michael and Ashton pair up and soon enough we're put up into the little tea cups and trapped as the ride starts slowly going up.

I look to Gracie with a big sigh of relief. "Any reason why you-?"

"Calum dragged me to the men's bathroom earlier and it got very sexual but I stopped it and then just now if I were to get in one with him, he would've done something worse."I quickly explain. Her eyes widen and she nods slowly. "Okay. Noted."she says.

I nod. "Sorry if I messed up you and Luke-"

"No, it's fine. We've been attached to the hip since this morning so it's fine, really."she laughs out. I smile and nod.


"So, I'm guessing your night was great?"Luke smirks at me. I look at him with confusion written all over my face. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, God, Calum! Yes!"Luke mimics Hayley horribly from last night causing my cheeks to burn up. "Shut-"

"Oh, Hayley! Are you close?!"he continues as I ball up my fists in embarrassment. "Luke, I'm serious. Shut the hell up."I growl. He chuckles and holds up his hands in defense. "Okay I'll stop."he agrees with a triumphant laugh falling from his lips.


deadass where the hell have i been?? it's been like 2 weeks since i last updated?? wth

sorry, i need to step my game up, i knowwww

there's just a lot going on. imagine a friend of yours calling you a bitch and talking about you behind your back + they call your cousin/close friend a racial slur (it's the n word) and it's bad enough that the person is white- they're making them-self look racist and problematic. but ok.


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