29//Cupid is NOT on my side.

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((A/N- the song for this chapter is Catch Fire by 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER FUCK YEAAAH))


Last night I ended up falling asleep watching The Lazarus Effect with Jackson. Like the gentleman he is, he placed me on the spare bed in his room and let me sleep there and even bought me a mocha this morning.

Of course, he even walked me to my first class of the day since he didn't have to go to his until an hour later. We exchanged numbers, just in case something happened.

"So basically, he's your new boyfriend?"

I roll my eyes. "No, Jackson is not my new boyfriend."I tell Gracie.

We're on Facetime with each other while I'm at the cafe, waiting for Jackson to meet me for lunch.

"Then what? Are you guys just fu-"

"No! We haven't even gone on a second date yet, Gracie!"I laugh at her childishness.

"Yet? As in, there's going to be another one? Do we have ourselves a keeper?"

"Yes, there's going to be another. I dunno if he's a keeper, though."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So, are you coming to the Christmas party? I made those muddy buddies you like and I even ordered those weird star shaped lava lamps."my cheeky beat friend laughs.

I sigh and shrug.

"I dunno, Grace."

"Please! I miss your dumb ass, and it's difficult having to deal with a clingy giraffe, a childish hair dye maniac, a chocolate milk obsessed kangaroo and a reckless crybaby. It's a mess here without you."

I laugh at her description of the four boys.

"Sooo, I'm guessing that was Luke, Mikey, Ashton and then... Calum."

"Yeah, speaking of Calum, when was the last time you spoke to him?"

"When I was on the call with Ashton and he interrupted."

"Well, whatever was said, he's suddenly happier than usual. I mean, he's still depressing and sulky, but at least he stopped drinking as much."

"I didn't even say anything to him, I literally hung up on him. I should've cussed him out..."

"Really? Well he claims that he said he loves you and you hesitated to say it back."

"What?! I did not!"

"Oh my God! You totally did!"shock spreads across my best friend's face.

"No, I didn't-?"

"Your voice cracked and you looked away! You're totally lying! I know when you lie!"

I roll my eyes and shrug.

"So what? I didn't say it back to him because it's true, alright? I love him,"


"Let me finish! I love him but I'm over him. Done with him."

"Mkay, we both know that's a lie."

"Gracie, shut up."

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