43//Get To Stepping.

43 1 0

((A/N- the song for this chapter is The Good Side by Troye Sivan))


I woke up to the sound of water running; Calum was in the shower. I didn't know how long he would be in there so I slowly, weakly got up to make myself some breakfast. I fed Duke and made myself a bowl of microwaveable oatmeal.

Calum then came downstairs, wearing nothing but his underwear and a plain white shirt. His hair was freshly dry and he looked at me with surprise. I knew why he looked at me like that; I looked horrible and lifeless. I felt horrible and lifeless.

Then, Calum sat down beside me. We had a conversation about last night.

After a short argument about what I'm going to do, he convinced me that I have to break up with Jackson. He's right. I shouldn't let him hurt me anymore.

After our conversation, Calum walked with me back to my house, where Jackson was. Gracie was with Luke at his house and Ashton was still at Michael's.

That leads up to now.

We're all in the living room, Calum, Jackson and I. I'm sitting on the couch, with my hands in my lap as I fiddle with my fingers.

Calum stands at one side of the room, Jackson stands at the other. He's eyeing me skeptically.

"Hey,"he trails off and sits down beside me, wrapping an arm around me.

Oh my God-

"Jackson, we need to talk. I-"

"What's Calvin doing here? Don't you have somewhere to be?"he snaps his head to Calum. "My name is Calum, mate, and I'm here for her. She wants me to be here so I'm here."he responds.

"Here for what?"he growls and pulls me closer, setting his fingers up with my bruises.

Ouch, you dickhead.

I nudge him off of my side and sit farther away from him. "Jackson, listen, we-"

"Is this about the thing that happened at the party? I told you, we can get through this-"

"I don't wanna get through it!"I blurt. He cocks his head back and a small laugh falls from his lips. "What do you mean? Of course you do-"

"Jackson, I don't think we should be together. You hurt me twice a-and-"

His hands aggressively grab mine and he pulls me closer to him. "You know I didn't mean to hurt you, okay? I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"It shouldn't have happened in the first place! You shouldn't have put your hands on me! Ever!"I exclaim, barely tugging my hands out of his. "Hayley, calm down, I barely even harmed you-"

"You gave me bruising, Jackson!"

"It'll go away!"

"Physically? Sure! Mentally? No, it won't go away! I will always have those scars with me!"

"Don't be so dramatic, Hayley-"

"Dramatic?! You made me bleed in my sides and covered them in bruises!"

His grip on my hands gets tighter, making me wince. "Hayley, maybe we should go talk somewhere else."he growls under his breath. He begins digging his nails into my palms-

"C-Calum,"I whimper as I try to tug away from him.

"Get your hands off of her, Jackass."he speaks up. Jackson ignores Calum and digs deeper. "You're my girlfriend, Hayley, let's talk about this where your ex isn't."he hisses. "Jackson, you're hurting me."I begin to tear up. "Let go of her. Now."Calum shouts.

"Let's go upstairs, yeah-?"

"I don't wanna go upstairs! I don't wanna to talk about this! I don't want to be here with you! Jackson, I don't wanna be you're girlfriend!"

As soon as the words are screamed from my lips, a feeling of regret shoots down my spin.

The room falls silent.

Jackson lets go of my hand and looks over to Calum with a glare of death.

Oh no.

"You wanna be his girlfriend, though. Don't you? Is that why you're doing this?"he seethes. "What?! I'm doing this because you hurt me and I don't want to be with you anymore!"I fume.

"Shut up, Hayley! You're being irrational and saying things you don't mean!"he shouts, slightly scaring me.

Get up. Yell back.

"Don't tell me to shut up!"I scream as I stand from the couch.

He stands up and towers over me. "Don't raise your voice at me!"he screeches.

"I will raise my voice at whoever I please, whenever I please! So, Jackson-"I walk around him and go to the front door, opening it. "-I'm going to now ask you to leave! You are no longer a guest here at my house, with my friends, sleeping in my bed!"I demand.

That's it, Hayley. Stand up for yourself.

Jackson looks at me with surprise and anger.


"You heard me. Get to stepping."I point outward.

He sighs angrily and glances at Calum. "I'll be back for my stuff later."he grumbles before storming out and slamming the door behind him.

That just happened. Oh dear, God.

"Get to stepping, huh?" I turn back around to see Calum with an amused grin. "That's a new one."

A small laugh falls from my lips before I glide back over to where he is and wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you, Calum."

He sighs and sets his head on mine. "Anytime, giggles."he says and I can feel his grin.

I should've seen this coming.

I knew deep down all along that it just wouldn't feel the same with Jackson. I tried to convince myself that I could move on from Calum but I can't. It's not possible. In his arms, I feel safe and loved. More than I ever could.

I smile small into his chest and it then hits me-

Oh no.

I love him.




things i did
t h a t
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it won't last long tho. y'all will hate me in like 2-3 chapters :)


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