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((A/N- the song for this is I Love It by Icona Pop))


I wake up to the light shining through my blinds and hitting me directly in the face. I groan loudly and roll myself out of bed.

What am I gonna do today?....

I smile and decide on going shopping. I skip over to my closet and pick out the cutest clothes I have. Maybe I'll meet some cute guys.

If Calum can have a relationship, so can I.

I pick out a pair of black jeans, a black crop top and my black leather jacket. Yeah, I'm gonna be that girl.

I quickly get dressed and hear my phone ringing across the room. I walk over to it and look down seeing Michael's contact pop up.

I answer it and put him on speaker.

"Hey Hayley!"
"Hey Mikey, what's up?"

I take my hair out of its ponytail and start brushing it out.

"Calum wanted me to tell you he's gonna be in writing session with Luke again today."

Writing session? Really? He can't just tell me, "hey i'm gonna go hang out with my real girlfriend"?

"He couldn't tell me himself?"
"Duke knocked Calum's phone into his water bowl so he has to let it set in rice for some time."
"Oh okay. Is that all?"
"Yeah, it is. So, whatcha up to today?"

I look at myself in the mirror and smile.

"I'm gonna go out into the city today. Again."
"Didn't you go with Calum last night?"
"Yeah but now I wanna explore it without having my...boyfriend.. there to stop me from doing reckless shit. Also I wanna go shopping."
"Cool. Well, have fun I guess."
"Will do."

I hang up and stuff my phone in my pocket.

I grab my purse and look in my wallet, forgetting about the $5,000 Calum paid me plus the $200 I've been saving. I smile and stuff it back in my purse before walking downstairs to my door and walking out, closing and locking the door.


"Yeah, I know right! He's a complete dick!"I spit out.

I'm on the phone with Gracie.

"Ugh, I can't believe he did that to you!"
"Yeah... oh yeah, I have a surprise for you!"
"What is it?"
"It'll be there tomorrow sometime around noon hopefully."
"What? Is it a box of something?"
"Love you! Gotta go babe!"
"Love you too,"

She hangs up and I laugh to myself.

I'm walking through an expensive looking store, looking for something to add to my wardrobe. Something that'll make Calum want me.

I don't even know why. I'm just mad.

I pick out a golden looking lace skirt with small jewels embedded in it and a white T shirt. They'd look perfect together.

I pick out those and a black latex dress. with ties that go down the front. Perfect.

I bring it up to the lady with a large smile. "I'll take these, please."I say. She eyes me and rings up the order.

"That'll be... $450.99 please."she says. I pull out the money Calum gave me and give her the amount due. She gives me my change and smiles at me while bagging my clothes. "For someone special?"she asks. I shake my head.

"For myself."I shrug. She chuckles and nods. "Have a nice day."she says I walk out. I wish her the same and make my way down the street again.


I arrive at yet another expensive store.

I walk in, realising it's a lingerie store. I smile to myself and look along the racks. I spot a nice red and lac set with my name written all over it, figuratively of course.

I buy it, plus some red stiletto heels to match. The price comes up as $378 but I still buy it. They make me look good. Why not.

I look at the time, seeing it's turning 6:30. I should be getting home, but I wanna grab some food first.

As soon as I start walking back down the street, my phone rings, making me jump slightly.

"Hayley? Where are you?"

What a surprise. It's Calum.

"Out. I went shopping."
"When are you coming back?"
"Right now, actually. But I'm walking so it's gonna take a second."
"Want me to come and get you?"
"No, Calum, I'm perfectly capable of making it home on my own."
"Can you hurry up at least?"
"Why? What's the rush?"
"Just come on, Hayley. I'm impatient."
"Okay, okay. Calm down. I'll be there in 10 minutes."
"Okay, fine."

I hang up and roll my eyes.

Guess it's time to go home.


calum's being a thirst bucket.


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