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((A/N- lmao prepare for my inner poet to come out. the song for this chapter is Pink + White by Frank Ocean))

-3rd Person POV

Calum and Hayley grew extremely close over the next 3 weeks. They were almost inseparable. Always laughing and giggling, either that or strewing each other mindlessly. The AMA's were great for everyone. They celebrated not winning, and Calum even got a little celebratory sex afterwards. Yes, Hayley was still being paid for the sex, but now she didn't even see it as a job. She barely even noticed the amount of money being added to her bank account. Calum was grateful for that. They were both happy to be together and that's all that matters.

Gracie and Luke, the same. Gracie grew very attached to Luke and he normally didn't put up with the clingy type. However, Gracie was different. She gave him a fuzzy feeling and he liked it. He liked it a lot. So he stayed with her. Anywhere one went, so did the other. Of course, not to the bathroom, or the studio, but that's about it.

Present day, all the guys were in the studio for a writing session- the first one they've had in days.

Luke was at the piano, working on something stuck in his head for awhile.
Michael in the corner, strumming his guitar and thinking.
Ashton on the couch, writing down his feelings into lyrics.
Calum on the other side of Ashton, daydreaming about Hayley and writing about her.

He was falling for her. Falling faster than he's ever fell for anyone before. It was almost scary to him, but he didn't care. He was okay with it. More okay with it than anything in the universe.

Hayley was a gorgeous girl who had a free spirit yet also kept to herself sometimes. Calum admired her and adored her. He was amazed by her. He didn't think he deserved her. She was too good for him. Too pure, too innocent, too perfect.

Her lips told stories of where she's been and what she's been through. Her eyes made him see how she saw things in the world and what she saw in it. Her hands showed him what to feel and what to hold on to for as long as possible. Her voice, it led him through a maze of confusion until he could see her again with the same smile he wished to wake up to again and again.

Calum found himself smiling more than usual with Hayley.

Hayley found herself laughing more than usual with Calum.

They complimented each other, even though they were opposite.

He was the black to her white. He was the devil to her angel. He was the Capulet to her Montague. The Romeo to her Juliet. The red to her blue.

It hit Calum in the chest, right where it hurts. The realization.

The reason his heart hasn't stopped beating rapidly since he saw her in the house. The reason his palms become sweaty out of nowhere. The reason he wakes up with a large goofy grin on his face and thanks God that he's alive. The reason he stops himself from smoking when he looks at a carton when they're present. The reason he stays up some nights, wondering if she's sleeping okay or if she's also awake like him. The reason he looks at her, even with no makeup and slobber down her cheek and her hair a mess, and thinks she looks like a goddess. The reason he never looks at any other females. The reason he writes sappy love songs. The reason he owns 5 jackets but let's her have 3 of them. The reason he wants to look in her eyes for the rest of eternity and call her his.

"Holy shit, I love her."
Ah, yes, he loves her.

Calum drops his phone from his hand in shock along with his jaw. His friends look over to him with confusion. "What?"a confused Ashton asks.

"I love her."he repeats with shock.

"Love her?...Hayley?"Luke asks. Calum nods and lifts his phone back off of the floor. "I love her."he chuckles.

Michael smiles to himself.

He's glad his best friend finally found the girl. The girl who would make him happy for as long as possible.

Nobody knew this but Michael: Calum has never ever really been in love with someone before. It's always been just Calum. Yes, there was Nia and a couple other girls, but they didn't mean anything really. Nia was, what Calum thought, the last chance at love. Until Hayley came around. She changed everything.

Now Calum knows, and Michael know, and Luke knows, and Ashton knows. They all know that-

"Guys, I love Hayley."

"That's amazing, mate."Ashton says to his close friend. They all share a large giddy smile at Calum's mood. Giddy, happy, joyfulness.

The happiness spreads through the air.

Calum grins from ear to ear.

I love Hayley, he thinks.





ALSO, the reason this chapter is in 3rd person is because my inner poet came out in this shit and halfway through i realized i wasn't writing in anyone's POV so i decided to do 3rd.


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