Chapter 70

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~Riley's POV~

I miss Ross. He comes home today and I'm so excited. I was watching TV when I heard the mail come. Wait, mail doesn't come to my house. It usually goes to my PO box. I went to the mailbox and I just had one letter. It was in a dirty, ripped envelope. I opened it up and it had one sentence:

I will get you.

Ok Riley, don't freak out. I started breathing deeply. I heard the R5 bus pull up but I wasn't going outside. I needed to call Ross.

"Hey baby!" Ross said into the phone.

"I need you to come over." I said with a shaky voice.

"Ok. Is something wrong?"

"Please come over." I said.

"I'm on my way." he said before hanging up.

About 3 minutes later Ross showed up in my living room.

"What's going on?" Ross asked.

"I got this letter and I'm freaking out." I said, handing Ross the envelope.

"We need to call the police."

"No. Just don't leave me." I said, pulling Ross into a hug.

"I'm not leaving your side."

"Let's watch TV." I said, trying to get my mind off of things.

Ross and I sat on the couch and I turned on the tv.

"Do you wanna watch a movie and cuddle?" Ross asked, scratching behind his neck.

"Yes. I'd love to." I said with a smile.

"I love you." Ross said then giving me a kiss.

"I love your lips."

"Then you can have some more of my lips." Ross said before kissing me again.

"Let's watch that movie." I said once we pulled away.

I turned on a random movie and scooted closer to Ross. His hand intertwined with mine. I put my head on his shoulder.

"You're so pretty." Ross said during the movie.

"You're not too bad looking yourself."

"Do you wanna lay down with me?" Ross asked.

I nodded and Ross laid down on the couch. I was half on top of him and half squished between him and the couch. I ran my fingers up and down his abs. Ross shivered under my touch. My cold hands snuck under his shirt.

"Uh Ri, what are you doing?" Ross asked, my hands obviously turning him on.

"Playing with your nice abs." I giggled.

"Well, maybe you should stop." Ross said.

"Why? Is this bothering you?" I asked, tracing his v-line.

"Just a little." Ross said.

"Well in that case, get up." I said, rolling off the couch.

Ross followed my actions. We just stood there starring at each other until I decided to make a move. My lips attached to his. He was trying to move so I put my fingers on the beltloops of his pants and pulled him closer.

"I like it rough." Ross said in between kisses.

Ross pushed us against the wall and grabbed my ass. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist and snuck my hands back under his shirt.

"Have you been working out more?" I asked Ross.

"Ya. Trying to impress you." Ross said before kissing me again.

"You always impress me. Since the first day we met each other." I said

"Really? What about now?" Ross asked, flexing his abs and arms as we are still pressed against the wall.

"I'm loving the view." I giggled.

"So, how about some fun?" Ross asked me, his face turning red.

"I can't today." I mumbled.

"You always turn me on and then deliver bad news. You might have to pay for that." Ross said with a smirk.

"What are you going to do?" I questioned.

"This." Ross said before shoving his lips on mine.

It surpised so I moaned/whined. Ross' hands squeezed my ass.

"Ross, I heard someone outside." I whispered when I pulled away.

"Ugh. I'll go see." Ross said before letting me down and going outside.

I watched him walk out and wonder around. Then he came back in with another envelope. He handed me the envelope. I opened up the envelope and the letter said:

Watch your back.

Tears formed in my eyes and I handed Ross the letter. He read it and looked at me with worried eyes. I flipped over the letter and there was another sentence.

I'm watching you.

"Ok, we aren't staying here tonight. Let's go get some clothes and go over to my house. At least, other people will be around you." Ross said before leading me upstairs.

I threw some clothes in a bag and followed Ross over to his house. He tightly held my hand as we walked.

"Riley is sleeping here tonight." Ross yelled through the house.

"Why?" Riker asked.

"I've been getting these weird letters from somobody say that they're going to get me and they're watching me" I explained.

"Sleepover!" Rydel sang.

"Ya, but we are all sleeping in the same room as Riley so nothing happens." Ross said, being protective of me 

"Still a sleepover!" Rydel exclaimed.

We went to tell Stormie and Mark about the letters and that I was staying with them tonight.

"I'll be back." Mark said.

We talked with Stormie until Mark came back.

"I want you guys to sleep with this." Mar said, handing Ross a little handgun.

"Dad, I didn't know you had a gun." Ross said.

"It's in case someone breaks in. We'll make sure to turn on the security system tonight too. I don't want anything to happen to you kids." Mark explained.

Ross took the gun off the table and slid it into his pocket.

"Thanks Mark." I said.

We were just chatting when there was a knock on the door.

"Got it!" Ryland yelled.

He opened the door and nobody was there but there was another envelope on the welcome mat. It had my name on it. I opened the envelope and the letter read:

The day is coming.

"I'll sleep in the living room with my other gun." Mark said.

"Kids, time for bed!" Stormie yelled.

Everyone came down and we headed for the basement. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.



What's up with these letters?


Best friends brother(Ross Lynch/R5)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora