Chapter 71

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~Riley's POV~

I woke up the next morning with Ross' arms wrapped around me. I tried to move but he wouldn't let me go.

"Ross, I have to." I whispered in his ear.


"I need to go get groceries." I answered.

"Be careful." he whispered back.

"I will. I'll be back later."

I got up and carefully stepped over the rest of the family. I grabbed my clothes from my bag in Ross' room and threw them on. I walked over to my house and grabbed some money. I walked to my car was on my way to the store. I was just driving along when this car ran a light and t-boned my car. The car rolled mutiple times before I went unconscious.

~Ross' POV~

Riley has been gone for awhile. I decided to watch TV to pass the time. I turned on the news to hear what had happened during the day.

"We are on the scene of a car accident. It looks by the sight that a car ran a red light and t-boned another car. The driver of the red Lamborghini was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The other driver walked away with no injury. The police says that this accident was attempted vehicular manslaugter." the news lady said before disappearing.

Riley drives a red Lamborghini and she's not home yet...

"GUYS WE NEED TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL! RILEY HAS BEEN IN AN ACCIDENT." I yelled, realizing that it was Riley's license plate on the car.

A sudden wave of panic came over me as my family came rushing out. 

"What's going on?" Riker asked.

"Riley's been in an accident. We have to go. She could be dead." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

We all rushed to the van and my dad drove super fast to the hospital. Once we got there, I jumped out and ran inside, not waiting for the rest of my family.

"Riley." I said to the front lady.

"First room on your left." she directed me.

I ran around the corner and saw my baby lying lifeless on a stretcher. Her head was bandaged and her leg was in a cast. She had IV's running out of her arms.

"Baby." I mumbled, tears running down my cheeks.

She didn't move.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked a doctor.

"Of course. Riley should be waking up any minute." he said before walking away.

"Riley, please wake up. I need you. I can't live life without you by my side." I said, intertwining my fingers with hers.

"Ross?" she said as she started moving.

"Ya, baby I'm here for you."

"What happened?" she asked.

"Well-" I began to explain before police walked in.

"Hi, we would like to question you guys about this accident." one said.

"Ok." Riley said.

"Did you receive any threats before this happened?" the police officer asked.

"I got some letters delivered to my house that said stuff like 'I'm watching you' and 'I will get you'." Riley explained.

"Well, the guy who hit you said that he has been sending you letters like that. The guy will be charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter. The guy was trying to kill you." one said.

Tears started forming in my eyes. Who would want to kill Riley. She's done nothing wrong.

"Did the guy say why he wanted this to happen?" I asked.

"No. He has no cause for this. Thanks for the information." the officer said before walking away.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I said to Riley.

"I love you." she answered.

"I love you more."

"Ok Riley, you're going to be able to go home later." the nurse said with a smile.

"Ok." she mumbled.

The nurse walked away. My eyes were wondering from Riley's lips to her eyes.

"You wanna kiss me, don't you?" she giggled.

"How did you know?"

"You're starring at my lips." she answered.

"Dang it. Gave it away."

"Bring it blondie." she laughed.

I started to lean in and just as our lips were about to touch, the doctor came in.

"Riley you are good to go. I'm just going to take this wrap off you head. Be careful to not break these stitches open." the doctor explained.

He unwrapped my girlfriends head and we were on our way. I helped her up amx into the hallway. The rest of my family was in the waiting room.

"You guys ready?" my dad asked.

"They said that I could go." Riley answered.

We followed my family to the car. I decided to carry Riley so she didn't have to walk so far with her crutches.

"Hey, I never got my kiss back there." I said once we started driving.

"When we get home." she answered.

It was about a 15 minute ride from the hospital to our houses. Once we got there, Riley and I went over to her house.

"So about that kiss...." I mentioned when we got inside.

"You just want resist me, can you?" she said with a laugh.

"Nope, not really." I said before crashing my lips to hers.

I carefully picked Riley up and carried her to her room. I carefully dropped her on the bed. My hands were wondering up her shirt while her hands were tangled in my hair.

"Ross, we can't do this right now." she said once we pulled apart.

"Why not?" I whined.

"I have a broken leg."

"I promise I'll be careful." I said.

"Well, in that case, bring the action."



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