So much confusion!

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(Lian's POV)

I blinked in shock and skidded down on my knees to the guys side.


"Hey...Lian." he smiled weakly.

"What happened?"

"Well - "

"There's no time for that!" I said and rushed out my room and started to bang on Lady Tsunade's door.

"WHAT?!" she screamed at me.

"My friend!! Hurry, he's hurt!! You gotta help him!!" I said and pulled her towards my room.

When we entered the room Rythian was in the same position that I left him in.

"What happened?" Tsunade asked, immediately awake.

I shove Naruto off his bed, waking him up and helped her carry Rythian onto the bed.

"Sorry...." I muttered when he cringed in pain.

"Huh? What's happening?" Naruto asks.

"Go get Shizune." Tsunade ordered unzipping Rythian's jacket.

I nodded and rushed back to her room and shook Shizune awake.


"Lady Tsunade needs help!! My friend got hurt!! Get up!!" I said and grabbed her out of the bed.

- - - - - -

Me, Naruto and Abbie have been moved to Lady Tsunade and Shizune's room because they don't want us when they're helping him.

Apparently the wounds he sustained were bad and it wasn't really for our eyes to see....

We're ninja, we're gonna see bad stuff....

Alright! You got me! We need to keep an eye on Abbie.

"Why're we here now?" she yawned rubbing her eyes.

"Just go back to sleep." I smiled.

"Grandma Tsunade is just helping our friend! Believe it!" Naruto grinned.

"Grandma Tsunade?" I giggled. "What even?"

"Well, she acts like an old lady so I'm gonna treat her like one." Naruto huffed.

I smirked, "Well, hello Lady Tsunade."

When Naruto turned around panicking I burst out laughing at how scared he looked.

"Oh my God!! That was priceless!!" I cried, continuing to laugh even though Naruto was sitting on my back.

"Lian! That's a horrible joke!" Naruto yelled, fluffing my hair about, "Believe it!"

"I'm trying to sleep!!" Abbie whined pouting.

I shoved Naruto off me and walked up to her, tucking her into the bed.

After a while of playing cards that we found in one of the bags, me and Naruto went top and tail on the bed and tried to sleep.

The wake up call.


Okay, imagine this.

Your alarm clock comes to life so you actually need to get up to get it to shut up.

This is a lot similar.

You know that instrument, the bugle, looks a little like the trumpet.

Yeah. That's the sound of my alarm clock. No, that is my alarm clock.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now