You again?!

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(Lian's POV)


"Don't do this."


"Lian, I swear to - "


"Can you just - "


My brother is so done with my shit right now.

"I'm so done with you."

Told you.

"But I just want - "

"Food, I know!" he said rolling his eyes trying to find something to make in the cupboards of this random food storage.

"I was gonna say peace and love in the world, but food works fine as well!" I grin.

I love annoying people, really, it's a hobby. A fun one.

"And this is where the food storage is, just grab whatever from here, nobody really - "



"It's her!"

"Hm?" I turn around and also scream. "AHHHH!"

There stands Poe and Fizzy with Sasuke looking unamused beside them.

The duck boy just walks in sighing and also proceeds to search for food.

"Hey!" I grin jumping off a box and walking up to them.

"....she's not mad."

"Why isn't she mad?"

"Shouldn't she be mad?"

"So, how's it going?" I ask hands behind my head.

"Definitely insane...."

"I'd say more psychotic."

"A bit of both probably..."

"I can hear you, ya know." I say deadpanning.

"What brings you here anyway?" Fizzy asked.

"Glad you asked, Soda. Glad you asked."

"Are you - !"

"So, long story short I got kidnapped and - "


"- since this place is on total lockdown, I can't exactly - "


"- leave yet, so I'm just gonna chill here for a while - "


"- until I am able to leave."

"Okay, so are you going to be training with us or have we to treat you like a prisoner?" Poe asked.

"I am no prisoner! I am your ruler! I AM THE ALL MIGHTY POWERFUL - "

"I found food!" Fido called.

"-HUNGRY BEAST OF THE LAND! GIMME GIMME GIMME!" I finished jumping over Fido and looking at the stash. "Took you long enough!"

"You could have helped!" fido said.

"Key word, could." Sasuke muttered.

"See? My homie knows me!" I say giving Sasuke a the face.

"....Mutter mutter SPECIAL mutter mutter....."

I decided to ignore sasuke's angry muttering, and grab some food before it's gone.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now