The Truth

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(Lian's POV)

"Sup' ma brotha'" was probably one of the worst things I could of said at that moment...

Fido sensei sweatdropped and Naruto have me the 'are you serious?' look meaning....not a good time...

"I think you and I should have a little talk..." My ginger haired brother said with a blank gaze then looked at Naruto. "Alone."

"Nope! He's my bro and whatever your have to tell me you can tell him." I said and he was about to speak but I rolled my eyes and continued, "Look, I'm gonna tell him everything you're gonna tell me now so might as well save a few moments of my life."

Fido sighed and his face in one hand. "I've got some explaining to do and...I need to tell you the real reason why I need you to come back to the Sound Village..."

Sitting up on the couch I nodded for him to continue. This might change my mind...

He sighed and looked down as if this was something hard for him to say....oh is....never mind...

"I'm.....I'm name is Fido T, my full and real name is Fidoshi Tea." Fido sensei stated making the 'tea' word stand out quite a lot.

I blinked a few times about to speak but he continued.

"The reason why I'm trying to get you to come back is because my daughter is being held Orochimaru and-"

"I'LL KILL 'EM!!!" I yelled, rage exploding everywhere.

"Lian....calm it!" Naruto yelled and shoved an apple in my face.

I snatched it and ate it happily, "continue."

Both Naruto and Fidoshi Sensei sweatdropped and anime fell while I ate my apple happily.

What can I say? I love apples!

" daughter is being held captive by Orochimaru and he said he will release her when you are in the sound village, captured." Fidoshi continued, "I was picked for this because I look like your brother and I'm the same age as him too."

"What does that pedophile want with me?" I asked with a blank look.

Seriously! This dude is twisted in so many ways!

"He told me that he was going to trade you off to someone who wants your power and that's all I know..." Fidoshi finished, "I am telling you this now because I know you don't want to go...and telling you this probably puts you off even more but..."

What happened next surprised me...

The man fell to his knees and tears streamed down his face. "Please! Come! Don't let him kill my daughter! He has already killed my wife...I don't want to lose her...I want to let my little girl live!"

I looked down as tears rimmed the edges of my eyes. I saw Naruto clench his fist and I gritted my teeth.

"...why is he doing this...?" I ask myself shaking my head.

"Lian..." I look up to the sorrow face of Fidoshi, " look so much like daughter...ginger hair, happy eyes, always smiling... and that carefree attitude..."

"...what was her name?" Naruto asks, suddenly speaking for the first time in this conversation.

"...Abbie..." Fidoshi replied after a long pause. "It was her birthday only two days ago...she turned five..."

"...why are you telling me this? I was going to be forced to go anyway..." I state with a frown.

He sighed, "Like I said before, you remind me of her...and I want you to atleast know what you're getting yourself into..." Fidoshi looked away and wiped his face, clearing the tears, "I'm so sorry...but...I can't let my daughter die...I won't..."

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now